
Friday, February 22, 2013

State Buddhist spots to get facelift

By Santosh Andhale
Friday, Feb 15, 2013
The Maharashtra Tourism Development Corporation (MTDC) is now pitching for Maharashtra as a Buddhist destination. They have identified 25 Buddhist spot across the state that have great significance in terms of religion and heritage.
The corporation has approached the Central tourism department to give them funds of Rs50 crore. An MTDC official claimed that the total tourist traffic at Buddhist destinations is around 2 crore per annum.
Besides Indians, China, Thailand, Japan, Korea and Cambodia nationals too visit these destinations. At present, Bihar has been working very hard to develop the Buddhist circuit. Every year, more than 6 lakh foreigners visit Bodh Gaya, Nalanda, Rajgir and Kesaria.
“Our state tourism department has been working on various projects to boost tourism. Buddhist circuit is one of the area where we can woo foreign nationals. Bodh Gaya in Bihar is a famous Buddhist destination. In fact, there are several direct international flights from Japan and China to this place, ” said Jagdish Patil, Director, MTDC. Patil added, “We plan to make the places accessible, put up signages and provide basic amenities.”
The Buddhist circuit of Maharashtra comprises shrines in Mumbai, Thane, Pune Aurangabad, Raigad, Satara, Napgur and Nashik. Ajanta and Ellora caves are already classified as world heritage monuments. Nineteen destinations are ancient caves which have been classified as monuments. There are four historical places Diksha Bhoomi,Chaitya Bhoomi, Vipassana Pagoda and Buddha Vihar.

The 8 Aspects of Feeling should be Understood!

A certain Bhikkhu once asked the Blessed Buddha: Venerable Sir,1: What is feeling? 
2: What is the cause of feeling? 
3: What is the way to emergence of feeling? 
4: What is the ceasing of feeling? 
5: What is the way to cease feeling? 
6: What is the satisfaction in feeling? 
7: What is the danger in feeling? 
8: What is the escape from feeling?

The Blessed Buddha answered:
There are, Bhikkhu, three feelings:
1: The 3 feelings are pleasant feeling, painful feeling, and neutral feeling.
2: Sense contact is the proximate cause of all feeling...
3: Craving is the way leading to the emergence of feeling...
4: The end of sense contact, ceases all feeling instantly...
5: This Noble Eightfold Way is the way to cease feeling...
6: The delight and joy of feeling: This is the satisfaction within feeling...
7: The danger in feeling is its transience, & inherent change into suffering.
8: The escape from feeling is the elimination of desire and lust for feeling.
Running after pleasurable feeling like mad robots, beings come to pain &
death ever again... Wanting short-term pleasure one gains long-term pain!
This is an unnecessarily heavy price, when there actually is an alternative
of lasting happiness called Nibbāna. It is thus quite well worth the effort
to give up all emotional and sensorial addiction and obsession. Only then
can one ever be completely free, truly happy and dwell in peace :-) Yeah!

All mental states converges on Feeling (Vedanā):
Source (edited extract):
The Grouped Sayings of the Buddha. Samyutta Nikāya. Book IV [232-3]
section 36: On Feeling: Vedanā. A Certain Bhikkhu... 23.

Feelings Dominate!
Have a nice & noble day!
Friendship is the Greatest! Bhikkhu Samāhita _/\_ ]

What are the 7 Fruits of the Abilities?

The Blessed Buddha once said:
Bhikkhus, there are these 5 abilities. What five?
1: The Ability of Faith.
2: The Ability of Energy.
3: The Ability of Awareness.
4: The Ability of Concentration.
5: The Ability of Understanding.
When these 5 abilities have been developed & cultivated, then
seven supreme fruits and excellent benefits may be expected!
What are these seven fruits and advantageous benefits?
1: One attains final knowledge early in this very life. If not then;
2: One attains final knowledge at the time of death. If not then;
3: One having cut the 5 lower chains attains Nibbāna in between;
4: One attains Nibbāna upon landing in the pure abodes. If not then;
5: One attains Nibbāna in the pure abodes without effort. If not then;
6: One attains Nibbāna in the pure abodes with some effort. If not then;
7: One is bound Upstream, heading towards the Akanittha realm.
When, Bhikkhus, these five mental abilities have been developed and
cultivated, these seven sublime fruits and benefits may be expected.

On the 5 Mental Abilities and the pure abodes:

Source (edited extract):
The Grouped Sayings of the Buddha. Samyutta Nikāya.
Book [V:237] section 48: The Abilities: 66.

The 7 Fruits!
Have a nice & noble day!
Friendship is the Greatest! Bhikkhu Samāhita _/\_ ]

What is a Good Buddhist Disciple?

The Sakyan Mahānāma  once asked the Blessed Buddha:
Venerable Sir, What is a
Lay Disciple?
having taken refuge in the Buddha, Dhamma, & Sangha, one is a Lay Disciple!

Venerable Sir, What is a
Pure Disciple?
By avoiding all killing, all stealing, all sexual abuse, lying, all drinking & drugging,
which causes neglect, one becomes a
Pure Disciple!

Venerable Sir, What is a
Faithful Disciple?
By placing faith in the perfect enlightenment of theTathāgata thus:

Worthy, honourable and perfectly self-enlightened is the Buddha! ... teacher and
guide of gods and humans, exalted, & awakened ...  one is a
Faithful Disciple!

Venerable Sir, What is a
Generous Disciple?Living mentally devoid of stinginess, liberal, open-handed, delighting in donation,
devoted to charity, enjoying all giving and sharing, one is a
Generous Disciple!
Venerable Sir, What is a Disciple who Understands?
One who understands the cause of arising & ceasing, which is Noble, decisive,
& which enables eradication of Suffering is a wise
Disciple who Understands!

The Buddha Gotama's first five disciples (Pañcavaggiyā)

Source (edited extract):
The Grouped Sayings of the Buddha. Samyutta Nikāya. [V:395]
Section 55 on Stream-Entry: Sotāpattisamyutta. Thread 37: Mahānāma.

The Good Lay Disciple!
Have a nice & noble day!
Friendship is the Greatest! Bhikkhu Samāhita _/\_ ]

Monday, February 18, 2013

DHAMMAM 4th issue released

Buddhist malayalam Monthly "DHAMMAM" 4th issue released by Dr.Rajananda Moorthi at Trissur on January 3rd 2013

Purification is best in Sweet Silent Solitude!

Solitude is happiness for one, who is content,
Who sees and clearly understands this Dhamma.
Harmlessness is happiness in all worlds,
Kindness towards all living beings. :-)
Udana 10


Avoid going along with fools. Should one fail to find
any one, who is better or equal as a good companion,
then one should continue this journey all alone.
Since there can be no friendship with fools...
Dhammapada Illustration 61 Background Story 61

The one who has tasted the sweetness of solitude
in cooled calm, such one fears not, and wrongdo not,
since so indeed is the sweet joy of true Dhamma!
Dhammapada Illustration 205 Background Story 205

If one cannot find a clever companion, upright, straight and determined,
then walk alone like a king leaving the kingdom, like an Elephant freely
roam in all the forest...
Dhammapada Illustration 329 Background Story 328-330

Life in solitude is better than friendship with the fool.
Let the one live alone, acting only right, freed from greed,
Like the Bull Elephant freely roam in all the forest.
Dhammapada Illustration 330 Background Story 328-330

Mastering the hands.
Mastering the feet.
Mastering the speech.
Mastering the thoughts.
Highest Master of Mind;
Concentrated and composed,
Calm and content in secluded solitude,
Such one is indeed rightly called a Bhikkhu ...
Dhammapada Illustration 362 Background Story 362

Comments: Be realistic!
If one cannot be in company with one-self, then something must be wrong!
Any form of company will dissolve, since all meetings end in separation...
The ever socializing parrot-like personality cannot ever end suffering!
Only dead fish float with the stream!

More on Sweet Secluded Solitude:
Alone yet Free, Ideal Solitude, The_Rhinoceros_Horn!
Sweet Solitude!
Have a nice & noble day!
Friendship is the Greatest! Bhikkhu Samāhita _/\_ ]