
Tuesday, April 6, 2010

A quite good Friend asked:

Reg. Mindfulness in daily life:
Random thoughts that enter the head, should one just note them & let them pass away,
or should one evaluate them as good, neutral, or bad and then let them go?

Good is it to evaluate every single thought like this:
A: Is this thought tainted by or grounded in any form of Desire?
B: Is this thought tainted by or grounded in any form of Aversion?
C: Is this thought tainted by or grounded in any form of Ignorance?
Then one will progress quickly as noting the defilements better…
Note also how many thoughts ‘slip by’ unnoticed by awareness!!!
Clear comprehension of EVERY SINGLE MOMENT is crucial for
any real mind control and thus control of behaviour & future…
Have a nice day!
 Friendship is the Greatest [
Bhikkhu Samahita ] Sri Lanka J

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