
Friday, November 12, 2010

The 3 kinds of Craving (Tanhã):

The 3 kinds of  Craving  (Tanhã):
The Blessed Buddha once said: There are these three kinds of craving.
What three?
1: The Craving for Sensing...
2: The Craving for Becoming...
3: The Craving for Non-Becoming…
These are the three kinds of craving!
This Noble 8-fold Way is to be developed for the direct experience of
these three kinds of craving, for the full understanding of them, for their
complete elimination, and for their final overcoming, abandoning & leaving
all behind. The Noble 8-fold Way is developed for the ceasing of all craving!
Comments: Any form of craving is a sign of an underlying addiction:
1: The first kind of sensual craving for sights, sounds, smells, flavours,
touches, thoughts and mental states is fairly obvious, yet still tenacious...
2: The second craving is for becoming things such as: Rich, famous, praised,
satisfied, beautiful, young, painless, healthy, strong, respected… etc…
3: The third kind of craving is for not becoming things such as: Sick, poor,
criticized, despised, weak, ugly, afflicted, lonely, unsuccessful, dead. etc…
The proximate Cause of all Suffering is this Craving, which have to be left!
This is the 2nd Noble Truth! Craving means: All kinds of lust, desire, hunger,
thirst, longing, urging, yearning for, attraction to, hankering, and hoping.
Ceasing of all Craving is ceasing of Suffering! This is the 3rd Noble Truth!

Whatever is delighted in creates craving, clinging and thus Suffering! 

More on this thorny Craving (Tanhā
) causing all pain:
The 3 kinds of Craving, Elemental Analysis, Craving_is_Pain, Cut_Craving,
Craving_is_Cause, Origin_of_Suffering, Ceasing_of_Suffering,
Quenched, Sandcastles.

Source (edited extract):
The Grouped Sayings of the Buddha. Samyutta Nikāya.
Book [V:58] section 45: The Way. 175: The 3 Cravings ...
Have a nice & noble day!
Friendship is the Greatest!
Bhikkhu Samāhita _/\_ ]

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