
Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The 5 Clusters are Burning on Ignorance!

The 5 Clusters are Burning on Ignorance!

The Blessed Buddha once explained:
Friends, form is burning, feeling is burning, perception is burning, mental
constructions are burning, and consciousness itself is burning...
Burning with what? Burning with Greed. Burning with Hate. Burning with
Ignorance. Burning with rebirth. Burning with ageing. Burning with decay.
Burning with sickness & pain. Burning with death. I tell you: Burning with
Suffering! Understanding this fully, friends, the learned Noble Disciple
is disgusted with all form, feeling, perception, and with all constructions!
He is disgusted even with consciousness! The experience of that disgust,
brings disillusion and disenchantment. Through this disillusion, the mind is
completely released! When it is liberated, then this assurance appears: 
"This mind is fully and irreversible freed" and one instantly understands:
The rebirth process is now ended, this Noble Life have been completed,
done is what should be done, there is no state beyond this...
The Grouped Sayings by the Buddha. Samyutta Nikāya 22:61 III 71
Have a nice & noble day!
Friendship is the Greatest!
Bhikkhu Samāhita _/\_ ]

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