
Saturday, December 25, 2010

Expectation inevitably creates Disappointment:

Expectation inevitably creates Disappointment:
How does one create future frustration for oneself? By expecting!!!
Ooh May I enjoy such and such form in the future.
Ooh May I delight in this and that feeling in the future.
Ooh May I experience exactly these lovely things in the future.
Ooh May I receive my beloved favourite experiences in the future.
Ooh May I relish only in those mental states, that I like in the future.
Ooh May I be satisfied by solely favourite sorts of consciousness in future.
Ooh May I Not meet this or that disliked person, event, circumstance, etc...

On the contrary: One is always content  if without any expectations:
Let the past be past, passed and forgotten, for never to return to it again!
Let forms, feelings, experiences, hopes & mind here & now be as they may!
Let whatever arise & cease! Relinquishing all hoping and wishing for whatever
forms, feelings, experiences, constructions & types of consciousness:
May I just remain aware, calm, clear, content and therefore unagitated!

Let it be, as it may! 
Let it come, as it comes! 
Let it go, as it goes!
Good is contentment with just what one has, with just what there is!
Have a nice & noble day!
Friendship is the Greatest!
Bhikkhu Samāhita _/\_ ]

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