
Friday, December 31, 2010

Patience is the 6th Perfection:

Patience is the 6th Perfection:
The characteristic of patience is acceptance, its function is to endure,
its manifestation is non-opposing tolerance! The cause of patience
understanding how things really are.. The effect of patience is calm
tranquility despite presence of intensely stirring provocation..
Patience of the will produces forgiving forbearance!
Patience of the intellect produces faith, confidence and certainty!
Patience of the body produces resolute and tenacious endurance!
Internal tolerance of states within oneself is patient endurance...
External tolerance of other beings is forbearance and forgiveness...
He who patiently protects himself, protects also all other beings!
He who patiently protects all other beings, protects also himself!

Not from speaking much is one called clever.
The patient one is free from anger and free from fear,
only such steady persisting one, is rightly called clever...
                                                                        Dhammapada 258

Patient tolerance is the highest praxis...
Nibbāna is the supreme Bliss!
So say all the Buddhas.
                                                                         Dhammapada 184

The innocent one, who has done nothing wrong,
Who endures abuse, flogging and even imprisonment,
one, armed with stamina, the great force of tolerance,
Such stoic one, who self-possessed can accept, I call a Holy One!
                                                                  Dhammapada 399

One should follow those who are determined, tolerant, and enduring,
intelligent, wise, diligent, clever, good-willed and evidently Noble.
One shall stick to them as the moon remains in its regular orbit.
                                                                        Dhammapada 208

Friends, even if bandits were to cut you up, savagely, limb by limb,
a two-handled saw, you should not get angry, but do my bidding:
Remain pervading them and all others with a friendly Awareness imbued
with an all-embracing good-will, kind, rich, expansive, and immeasurable!
Free from hostility, free from any ill will. Always remembering this very
of the Saw is indeed how you should train yourselves.
                                                                     Majjhima Nikāya 21
The five ways of removing irritating annoyance:
Bhikkhus, there are these five ways of removing annoyance, by which any
can be entirely removed by a Bhikkhu, when it arises in him.
What are these five ways?
1: Friendliness can be maintained towards an irritating person or state..
2: Understanding can be undertaken towards an irritating person or state..
3: On-looking Equanimity can be kept towards an irritating person or state..
4: One can forget and ignore the irritating person, mental or physical state..
5: Ownership of Kamma of the irritating person can be reflected upon thus:
This good person is owner of his actions, inherit the result his actions, is
born of his actions and only he is responsible for his actions be they
good or bad. This too is how annoyance with the irksome can be instantly
. These are the five ways of removing annoyance, and by which any
irritation can be entirely removed in a friend, exactly when it arises...
                                                                        Anguttara Nikāya V 161

Buddha to his son Rāhula: Develop an Imperturbable Mind like the elements:
Rāhula, develop a mind like earth, then contacts of arisen like and dislike
not obsess your mind! Rāhula, on the earth is dumped both the pure and
impure: excreta, urine, saliva, pus, blood, but the earth does not detest
any of those... Even and exactly so make your mind stable like the earth!
Rāhula, develop a mind like water, then contacts of arisen pleasure and pain
not seize your mind. Rāhula with water both the pure and the impure
cleaned... Washed away with water are excreta, urine, saliva, pus, and
, yet the water does not despise any of that! Even so make the mind
and adaptable like the water!
Rāhula, develop a mind like fire, then the contacts of any arisen attraction
or aversion will neither consume, nor hang on to your mind! Rāhula, fire burns
the pure and the impure, burns excreta, urine, saliva, pus, and blood,
yet the fire does not loathe any of that.. In the same manner refine the mind
a tool like an all consuming and purifying fire!
Rāhula, develop a mind similar to space, then contacts of arisen delight and
does neither take hold of, nor remain in your mind. Space does
settle anywhere! Similarly make the mind unsettled and unestablished
open space. When you expand mind like space, contacts of delight and
will neither be able to dominate, nor obsess your mind...
                                                                             Majjhima Nikāya 62

More on the 10 mental perfections (paramis):

Have a nice & noble day!
Friendship is the Greatest!
Bhikkhu Samāhita _/\_ ]

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