
Wednesday, February 9, 2011

How are the 4 persons comparable to Trees?

How are the 4 persons comparable to Trees?
There are these four kinds of trees:
One itself rotten & weak, but surrounded by strong hardwood ones...
One itself of strong hardwood, but surrounded by rotten & weak ones...
One itself rotten & weak, and also surrounded by rotten & weak ones...
One itself of strong hardwood, and also surrounded by strong hardwood ones...

Schiele: Four Trees

There are four types of persons similar to these four classes of trees:
A person himself rotten & weak, but yet surrounded by the strong & good!
A person himself strong & good, but yet surrounded by the rotten & weak!
A person himself rotten & weak, and also surrounded by the rotten & weak!
A person himself strong & good, and also surrounded by the strong & good!

How is the one himself is rotten & weak, but yet surrounded by the strong & good?
Here one is immoral, and wicked, while his friends are moral men of lovely nature...
Thus is a person, who himself is rotten & weak, surrounded by the strong & good,
just in the same way as a rotten & weak tree is surrounded by strong & good ones...

How is a person who himself is strong & good, yet surrounded by the rotten & weak?
Here one is moral, of lovely nature, but he has friends, who are immoral, & wicked...
Thus is a person, who is strong & good surrounded by the rotten & weak, just in the
way as a strong & good tree, is surrounded by many rotten & weak ones...

How is a person who is rotten & weak, and also surrounded by the rotten & weak?
Here one is immoral, wicked & evil, who has friends who are immoral, wicked & evil!
Thus is a person, who is rotten & weak, and also surrounded by those rotten & weak,
just in the same way as a rotten & weak tree, is surrounded by rotten & weak ones...

Finally: How is a person who is strong & good surrounded by the strong & good?
Here one is moral of lovely nature, who has similar moral friends of lovely nature...
Thus is a person, who is strong & good surrounded by the strong & good, just in the
way as a strong & good tree, is surrounded by strong & good hardcore ones...
These are the four persons comparable to trees existing in this world...
Discrimination of good and bad groups is a signature sign of Understanding!

Monet: Four Trees
The 4th Higher Science Abhidhamma Book:
The Personality Concept: Puggala-Paññatti.
Have a nice & noble day!
Friendship is the Greatest!
Bhikkhu Samāhita _/\_ ]

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