
Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Supreme unified Bliss!

The final safe State of supreme unified Bliss!
At Savatthi the Blessed Buddha once said to his monks:
I will teach you the uncorrupted state, & the way to the uncorrupted state...
Bhikkhus, I will teach you the truth, & the way leading to this absolute truth...
I will teach you the far shore ... the subtle ... the sublime ... the difficult to see ...
the unageing ... the stable ... the safe ... the undisintegrating & undecaying state ...
the unmanifested ... the unproliferated ... the unclinging ... untroubled silence ...
the peaceful ... the supreme bliss ... the fortunate ... the wonderful & amazing ...
the cooling of craving ...  disillusion ... purity ... freedom ... the island shelter ...
the assured asylum ... the final refuge ... the deathless destination ... Nibbāna...
Listen and pay alert attention to that which will lead you to lasting happiness!
And what, Bhikkhus is this Nibbāna?
The absence of all Greed, the stilling of all Hate, & the ending of all Ignorance:
This is called the uncorrupted state of Nibbāna... And what, Bhikkhus, is this
very good way leading to this undying state of Nibbāna?

Awareness of the body just as organs is a way to this uncorrupted state ...
The four foundations of awareness is a way to this absolute truth ...
Serene calm and profound insight is a way to this this far shore ...
Absorption into directed thought and sustained examination is a way...
Absorption into emptiness, signlessness, and into the uninclined is a way...
The four right efforts are a way to this the very difficult to see state...
The four roads to force are a way to this supreme bliss ...
The five pure abilities are a way to this purity ...
The five pure powers are a way to this freedom ...
The seven links to awakening are a way to this peace ...
The Noble 8-fold Way are a way to this deathless destination ...

These are ways leading to this Nibbāna... I have now taught you Nibbāna...
and the way leading to this Nibbāna... Whatever should be done, Bhikkhus,
by a considerate teacher out of sympathy for his disciples, wishing only their
welfare, that I have now done for you. There are roots of trees, Bhikkhus,
there are empty huts. Meditate, do not neglect your meditation, Bhikkhus,
otherwise you may come to regret it later. This is our instruction to you...
The Grouped Sayings of the Buddha. Samyutta Nikāya. Book IV [369-73]
Section 43: On The Unconsctructed. The way to the uninclined: 13-44.

Have a nice & noble day!
Friendship is the Greatest!
Bhikkhu Samāhita _/\_ ]

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