
Friday, July 15, 2011

The 10 Tricks in the Art of Jhãna Concentration

The 10 Tricks in the Art of Jhãna Concentration:
1: Making the basis pure: Means clean body, clean room and clean morality. 
2: Balanced abilities = Energy equals concentration. Faith equals understanding.
3: Skill in the sign: A moment of absorption is remembered exactly for recollection.
4: One exerts the mind on all occasions, it advantageously should be pushed forth.
5: One controls the mind on all occasions, it advantageously should be held back.
6: One encourages mind on occasions it advantageously should be incited & cheered.
7: One observes the mind with calm equanimity, when things proceed appropriately.
8: One avoids all distracted, agitated, frantic, unconcentrated, & stressed persons.
9: One cultivates company with well focused, determined & concentrated persons.
10: One is resolutely determined upon that absorption level of jhāna  concentration!
Vism I 128.


More on this penetrating and thrilling absorption Concentration (Samādhi):
Samma-Samadhi, The_Concentration_Ability, What is Right Concentration?

High_and_Alert, Feeding Concentration, Concentration_Samadhi,
Details of the Jhana Absorptions, Requisites for Jhana Absorption,
Stopping_Mental_Frustration, Stopping_Physical_Pain
Jhana_Absorption, Joys_Beyond_This_World!

Have a nice & noble day!
Friendship is the Greatest!
Bhikkhu Samāhita _/\_ ]

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