
Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Clinging to Wrong Views is Catastrophic!

Clinging to Wrong Views is Catastrophic!

The Buddha often emphasized wrong view as thee most detrimental:
When one has imagined, assumed, constructed, approved of and authorized
Wrong Views & opinions, then one is relying that, which is unstable & unsafe!
Clinging to these long cherished wrong views, are not easily relinquished...
One adheres to these persuasions having chosen them from among many
hypothetical ideas, laying down one assumption, just to take up a another
new fancy theory! A purified man, however, does indeed not form any view
anything anywhere! He is not involved..! Having cut out all deceptions
illusions and conceits, where could such a clear-sighted man ever be driven?
An involved person, however, engages easily in disputes about opposed ideas,
but how can one ever dispute with one, who is not involved? He has neither
up, nor laid down anything, but has shaken off having any view at all!
Sutta-Nipāta 784-787 Edited excerpt.

More on how to abandon Wrong Views:
Leaving_Wrong_View, What is Right View? , The_Sun, Certain_Rightness

Have a nice & noble day!

Friendship is the Greatest!
Bhikkhu Samāhita _/\_ ]

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