
Tuesday, August 9, 2011

What brings beings over the Sea of Suffering?

What brings beings over the Sea of Suffering?

The Blessed Buddha once explained the means and method to escape pain:
One should respect an intelligent one, from whom one can learn the Dhamma,
as the deities respect & honour their divine god Indra. Then with clear
elevated mind, he will reveal the Dhamma to one, when he is respected!
If one cultivates such a great man carefully, making it his/her aim to listen
and learn attentively, entering upon the Dhamma, and upon what conforms
with the Dhamma, then his/her understanding will become clever & subtle!
However, if one associates with the petty & envious fool, who has no direct
experience of the aim, then one will die still pestered by perplexing doubts!
Since how can a man, who has been dragged down into a swift-flowing river,
is been carried along with the current, ever help any others to cross?
Similarly, how can one who has not learned the Dhamma, & has not listened
the explanations given by the learned ones, who is ignorant of it himself,
and has not overcome doubt, help others to realize the stainless certainty?
Just as one embarking upon a strong boat, with well build oars and rudder,
bring many others across there, being clever, considerate, knowing
well how to do it. In exactly the same way can one, who is self-developed,
who understands, who is learned and imperturbable make others realize it,
if they have got the capacity to understand, and the willingness to listen...
Therefore should one cultivate only a good man, who is clever and learned!
Understanding the meaning, walking the Way by knowing the true Dhamma,
will thereby plunge into happiness... Sn 316-323

The Boat of Dhamma ferries beings across suffering to Happiness!

On this Dhamma as Teaching, Tool and Vehicle:
Dhamma_Contemplation, Dhamma_Presence,
Simple_Core123, Be_Good, Supreme_ Triumph

Have a nice & noble day!

Friendship is the Greatest!
Bhikkhu Samāhita _/\_ ]

The Boat!

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