
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

The Unsurpassable Radiance!

Mental Release by Friendliness Outshines All!

The Blessed Buddha often emphasized:
Bhikkhus, whatever kinds of worldly merit there are, all are not worth one
part of the release of mind by universal friendliness; in shining,
glowing and beaming radiance, such release of mind by universal friendliness
far excels & surpasses them all... Itivuttaka 27

See this good being is happy! How fine! How excellent! Let there be Happiness!
Let there indeed be Freedom! Let there indeed be Peace! Let there be Bliss....
Let there be Understanding of this good principle. Buddhaghosa

May all beings be joyous and safe! Let every creature's mind rejoice!
Let every single living being's mind be exceedingly jubilant!
One should maintain an infinite friendliness for every single living being,
gentle sympathy for this entire universe, unlimited, endless and vast!
This is the Divine Dwelling while actually here, they say. Buddha Gotama

The Bhikkhu pervades all beings with all-embracing friendliness ...
The Bhikkhu encompass all beings with universal & endless pity ...
The Bhikkhu permeates all beings with infinite & mutual joy ...
The Bhikkhu suffuses all beings with unlimited equanimity ... Digha Nikāya 33

May all creatures, all breathing things,
all beings one and all, without exception,
experience good fortune only.
May they not fall into any harm. Anguttara Nikāya II, 72

Thus he who both day and night
takes delight in harmlessness
sharing love with all that live,
finds enmity with none. Samyutta Nikāya I 208

More on this shining, radiating, all and everywhere beaming Friendliness:

Have a nice & noble day!

Friendship is the Greatest!
Bhikkhu Samāhita _/\_ ]

The Unsurpassable Radiance!

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