
Thursday, October 6, 2011

What are the 12 Detrimental Kinds of Consciousness?

What are the 12 Detrimental Kinds of Consciousness?

Rooted in Greed (Lobha):

1: Unprompted consciousness joined with joy and false view.
Example: Greedy & careless one spontaneously enjoys sense pleasure.
2: Prompted consciousness joined with joy and false view.
Ex: Greedy & careless one urged by others enjoys sense pleasure.
3: Unprompted consciousness with joy, but not with false view.
Ex: Greedy, yet not careless, one spontaneously enjoys sense pleasure.
4: Prompted consciousness joined with joy, but not with false view.
Ex: Greedy, though not careless, one incited enjoys sense pleasure.
5: Unprompted consciousness with equanimity and false view.
Ex: Greedy & careless one spontaneously and indifferent takes pleasure.
6: Prompted consciousness joined with equanimity & false view.
Ex: Greedy & careless one, urged on, still indifferent takes pleasure.
7: Unprompted consciousness with equanimity, but not with false view.
Ex: Greedy, yet not careless, one spontaneously & bored takes pleasure.
8: Prompted consciousness with equanimity, but not with false view.
Ex: Greedy, yet not careless, one urged on takes pleasure indifferently.

The common false view is here: There is no danger in sense pleasure!
Addicted to sensing beings have been drawn back into birth & death
billions of times & thus killed by this sense pleasure billions of times!
Therefore is this clinging to sense pleasure as detrimental as it comes...

Rooted in Hate (Dosa):
9: Unprompted consciousness joined with sorrow and aversion.
Example: Angry and frustrated one spontaneously harms or kills.
10: Prompted consciousness joined with sorrow and aversion.
Example: Angry and frustrated one, urged on by others, harms or kills.

Rooted in Ignorance (Moha):
11: Consciousness joined with indifference, doubt and uncertainty.
Example: Confused one cannot make up one's mind, nor take any decision.
12: Consciousness joined with indifference, and restless agitation.
Example: Confused one remains distracted, scattered & mentally unsettled.

These are the 12 kinds of Disadvantageous & detrimental Consciousness of
Sensuous Sphere (lower worlds). The delayed effect of all these is Pain!
There are in total 89 kinds of Consciousness. They are all mapped here:

Blissful is the overcoming of all sense-desires!
Blissful is being without passions in this world!
Blissful is being harmless towards all sentient beings...
Udana II, 1

More on the folly vanity of desire for simple Sense Pleasure (Hedonism):

Source: The Path of Purification XIV 81ff:
Visuddhimagga by Ariya Buddhaghosa from the 5th century AC.

The Visuddhimagga is Online free here:

Ignorance is not knowing & not understanding the 4 Noble Truths!

Have a nice & noble day!

Friendship is the Greatest!
Bhikkhu Samāhita _/\_ ]

What is Disadvantageous?

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