
Monday, December 5, 2011

Contentment is the most supreme Treasure!

Contentment is the most supreme Treasure!

The Blessed Buddha often noted contentment as the highest treasure:
There is the case where a Bhikkhu is quite content with whatever old robe,
content with whatever old alms-food, quite content with whatever hut,
and quite content with whatever bitter medicine for curing sickness.
This Dhamma is for one, who is content, not for one who is discontent!
Thus was it said. And with reference to exactly this salient contentment
whatever little one has, was this simple, serene modesty well spoken...

Contentment with whatever little one has!

How is a Bhikkhu content?
Just as a bird, wherever it goes, flies with its wings as its only burden,
even so is he content with a single set of robes to protect his body and
begged alms-food to pacify his hunger. Wherever he goes, he takes only
few simple necessities as robes, belt, bowl and razor along with him.
This is how a Bhikkhu is content...
DN 2

There is the case where a Bhikkhu is content with whatever old robe at all,
whatever old alms-food at all, with whatever old hut at all. He speaks in
of being content with any old requisite at all. He does not, for the sake
any requisite, do anything unsuitable or inappropriate. When not getting any
, he is not troubled. When getting requisites, he just uses it without
being attached to it. He is not obsessed, but blameless, & seeing the drawbacks
dangers of possessions, he realizes the escape from them. He does not,
account of his contentment with any old requisite at all, exalt himself or
disparage others. Thus is he modest, clever, energetic, alert, & acutely aware!
This, Bhikkhus, is called a Bhikkhu standing quite firm in the ancient, original
of the Noble Ones (Ariyavamsa)... AN IV 28

See also: About Forest Monks:

Good are friends, when need arises.
Good is contentment with just what one has.
Good is merit done well, when life is at the end.
Good is the elimination of all Suffering!
Dhammapada 331

Solitude is happiness for one who is content,
Who has heard and clearly understands The Dhamma.
Harmlessness is happiness in all worlds!
Harmlessness held towards all breathing beings.
Udana 10

Therefore be capable, upright, and straight,
easy to instruct, gentle, and not proud,
content and easy to support with little,
with few duties, living simply and lightly,
with peaceful abilities, mastering all,
modest, and with no greed for support.
Do not do even a minor thing that the
and noble would later criticize.
Sutta Nipāta I, 8

More on Contentment (santutthi), which is caused by rejoicing mutual joy:
Cause of Contentment, Calm and Content!, Rejoicing_Bliss_is_Mudita

Contentment Causes Calm Cool Comfort!

Have a nice & noble day!

Friendship is the Greatest!
Bhikkhu Samāhita _/\_ ]

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