
Sunday, December 11, 2011

How to be Real Buddhist through Observance?

How to be Real Buddhist through Observance?

Unduwap Poya is this Fullmoon day of December which celebrates 2 events:

1: The arrival of Nun Theri Sanghamitta, sister of Arahat Mahinda,
from India in the 3rd century B.C. establishing the Order of Nuns.
2: The arrival at Anuradhapura of a sapling of the sacred Bodhi-tree
Buddhagaya, brought to Sri Lanka by Arahat Theri Sanghamitta.

Arahat Theri Sanghamitta arrives w. tree.

This day is designated Sanghamitta Day. Nowadays Dasasil Matas;
-precept nuns, take an active part in making these celebrations.

Arahat Theri Sanghamitta, daughter of Emperor Asoka & sister to Mahinda.

Details on the Arahat Nun Theri Sanghamitta and the MahaBodhi:
and the Tree

The over 2000 years old Bodhi Tree in Ceylon.
Please notice the Lay Buddhist wear all white
clothes, which was classic at Buddha’s time!

On such Full-Moon Uposatha Poya Observance days:
Any Lay Buddhist simply joins the Three Refuges & undertakes the
Five Precepts like this: Newly bathed, shaved, white-clothed, with
clean bare feet, one kneels at a shrine with a Buddha-statue, and
bows first three times, so that feet, hands, elbows, knees & head
touch the floor. Then, with joined palms at the heart, one recites
memorized lines in a loud, calm & steady voice:

As long as this life lasts:
I hereby take refuge in the Buddha.
I hereby take refuge in the Dhamma.
I hereby take refuge in the Sangha.
I hereby seek shelter in the Buddha for the 2nd time.
I hereby seek shelter in the Dhamma for the 2nd time.
I hereby seek shelter in the Sangha for the 2nd time.
I hereby request protection from the Buddha for the 3rd time.
I hereby request protection from the Dhamma for the 3rd time.
I hereby request protection from the Sangha for the 3rd time.
I will hereby respect these Three Jewels the rest of my life!

I accept to respect & undertake these 5 training rules:
I hereby accept the training rule of avoiding all Killing.
I hereby accept the training rule of avoiding all Stealing.
I hereby accept the training rule of avoiding all Sexual Abuse.
I hereby accept the training rule of avoiding all Dishonesty.
I hereby accept the training rule of avoiding all Alcohol & Drugs.
As long as this life lasts, I am thus protected by these 5 precepts...

Then, one keeps and protects these sacred vows better than one's
eyes & children!, since they protect you & all other beings much
better than any army! They are the highest offer one can give in/to
world! So is the start towards Nibbāna: the Deathless Element!
This is the Noble Way to Peace, to Freedom, to Ease, to Happiness,
by Morality, developed further by Dhamma-Study and
fulfilled by training of Meditation...

Today indeed is Pooya or Uposatha / observance day, where any lay
normally keeps even the Eight Precepts from sunrise until
the next dawn... If any wish a recognition by the Bhikkhu-Sangha,
may simply forward the lines starting with "I hereby ..." signed
with name, date, town & country to me or join here. A public list of
new quite rapidly growing global Saddhamma-Sangha is set up

The Modern Community of Buddha's Disciples: Saddhamma Sangha:

Can quite advantageously be Joined Here:

May your journey hereby be light, swift and sweet. Never give up !!

Bhikkhu Samahita:

For Details on The Origin of Uposatha Observance Days:

Have a nice & noble day!

Friendship is the Greatest!
Bhikkhu Samāhita _/\_ ]

Today is Unduwap Poya Day !

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