
Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Mutual Joy cures all vicious Envy and Jealousy!

Mutual Joy cures all vicious Envy and Jealousy!

The dear companion can be the proximate cause for Mutual Joy, where one
rejoices in another being's success... One thus rejoicing in others fortune
is called a 'boon companion', for he is constantly glad: He laughs first and
speaks afterward! So he should be the first to be pervaded with gladness.
Or on seeing a dear person being happy, cheerful and glad, mutual joy can
aroused thus: 'See this being is indeed glad! How good, how excellent!'
Just as one would be glad at seeing a dear and beloved person very happy,
exactly so does one pervade all other beings in all directions with mutual joy...
Rejoicing mutual joy can also be aroused by remembering other's happiness
the past and recollecting the elated joy aspect in this way: 'In the past he
had great wealth, a great following and he was always glad'. Or mutual joy
be aroused by apprehending the future glad aspect of his in this way:
'In the future he will again enjoy similar success and will go about in gold
palanquins, on the backs of elephants or on horseback'. Having thus aroused
joy regarding a dear person, one can then direct the very same feeling
successively towards a neutral one, and gradually towards any hostile person.

Vbh 274, Vism I 316

Mutual joy causes Contentment! No mutual joy thus entails Discontentment!
Therefore: If being generally dissatisfied, then be happy over other's gains ;-)
Secondly: Mutual joy causes all envy and jealousy to evaporate into equanimity!

Mutual Joy (Muditā), which cures all envy and jealousy, is a divine state!
Rejoicing Bliss = Mudita, Infinitely_Joyous_Consciousness, Mutual_Joy

Rejoicing Joy!

Have a nice & noble day!

Friendship is the Greatest!
Bhikkhu Samāhita _/\_ ]

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