
Sunday, March 25, 2012

Detached from Feeling!

Detachment from Feeling gives Immunity towards Suffering!

The Blessed Buddha once explained this to some sick bhikkhus:
If one keen on mental training feels a pleasant feeling, he understands:
"This impermanent pleasure is neither to be clung to, nor indulged in."
If he feels a painful feeling, he also understands and observes:
"As this pain is transient, it is neither to be clung to, nor engaged in..."
If he feels a neither-painful-nor-pleasant feeling, he similarly notes:
"This passing neutral feeling is neither to be clung to, nor held in delight.."
When he feels a pleasant feeling, he feels it, as if detached from it!
When he feels a painful feeling, he feels it, as if detached from it!
When he feels a neutral feeling, he feels it, as if detached from it!
He feels all feelings as something remote, alien, and not belonging to him.
When he feels a feeling terminating with the body, he understands:
"I feel a feeling terminating with the body..." (all bodily feeling!)
When he feels a feeling terminating with life, he understands:
"I feel a feeling terminating with life..." (all mental feeling!)
He understands: With the breakup of this body, at the exhaustion of life,
feeling, neither being delighted in, nor clung to, will cool down right
then and there... An oil lamp burns depending on the oil and the wick, at
the exhaustion of the oil and the wick, the burning flame is extinguished
through lack of fuel, exactly so here, bhikkhus, when a bhikkhu feels a
feeling terminating with the body... or terminating with life...
He understands: With the breakup of this body, at the very exhaustion of
this life, all that is felt, not being indulged in, nor clung to, will vanish right
there and then... This - only this - is the end of Suffering!

Pleasant feeling induces greed...
Painful feeling produces hate...
Neither-painful-nor-pleasant neutral feeling
causes neglect & thus generates ignorance...

All states converges on Feeling (Vedanā):

The Buddhas are the very best Doctors!

Source (edited extract):
The Grouped Sayings of the Buddha. Samyutta Nikāya. Book IV [211-3]
section 36: Feeling. Vedanā. The Sick-Ward. 7.

Have a nice & noble day!

Friendship is the Greatest!
Bhikkhu Samāhita _/\_ ]

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