
Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Yes We Can!

Any Advantageous Mental State Improves Ur Future!

Train yourself in doing good
which lasts and brings happiness.
Cultivate generosity, the life of peace,
and a mind of boundless love.
Itivuttaka 16

Generosity, kind words,
doing a good turn for others,
and treating all people alike:
these bonds of sympathy are to the world
what the axle is to the wagon wheel.
Anguttara Nikāya II, 32

Good are friends, when the need arises;
Good is contentment with just what one has;
Good is merit done, when life is at an end,
and good is the elimination of all Suffering!
Dhammapada 331

Come on! Do Good! Good Gets Better!

In this world, good it is to serve one's mother,
is it to serve one's father.
It is good to serve the monks, and
is it to serve the holy pure ones.
Dhammapada 332

Good is pure moral virtue until life's end,
is fine Faith, that is unwavering,
Good is the acquisition of understanding, and
Good is the avoidance of all evil wrong-doing.
Dhammapada 333

To avoid all evil,
cultivate only good,
and to purify one's mind
this is the teaching of all the Buddhas!
Dhammapada 183

Yes We Can!

The good relinquish attachment to everything.
The wise do not prattle with yearning for pleasures.
The clever show neither elation, nor depression,
touched either by happiness, or by sorrow...
Dhammapada 83

With good-will for the entire cosmos,
Cultivate a limitless & infinite kindness:
Above, below, across and all around,
unobstructed, without hostility or hate.
Sutta Nipāta I, 8

Let all guard themselves against irritability in thought;
everyone be controlled in mind,
Leaving mental misery & misconduct,
Let everyone practice good behaviour in any thought.
Dhammapada 233

Seeding Good, Sprouts in Good!

Let any being guard himself against irritability in speech;
everyone be controlled in speech.
Leaving all verbal misconduct,
everyone practice good behaviour in all speech.
Dhammapada 232

Overcome the angry by kindness;
the wicked by goodness;
Overcome the miser with generosity;
Overcome the liar with truth.
Dhammapada 223

Consort only with the good,
Come together only with the good.
To learn the Teaching of the Noble ones,
Gives an understanding nowhere else found!
Samyutta Nikāya I, 17

Same are all Being! Just Different.

Neither mother, nor father, nor
any other family or friend can do
greater good for oneself, than a
well trained & well directed mind!
Dhammapada 43

Think not lightly of good, saying, "It will not return to me."
Since: Drop by drop is the water pot filled with rain!
Likewise, the wise one, gathering it little by little,
himself with advantageous good...
Dhammapada 122

Doing Good => Better Future!

More on Generosity (Dāna) = The 1st mental perfection:

Forest Sangha Support:
If you wish to help the Forest Sangha materially with upholding and sharing
Saddhamma, then a quite good opportunity is open right here and now!
Any support is indeed needed and very appreciated. Many Thanx in advance :-)

Have a nice & noble day!

Friendship is the Greatest!
Bhikkhu Samāhita _/\_ ]

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