
Monday, April 30, 2012

How are the 7 Links leading to Awakening?

Venerable Sāriputta once explained:
They conduce and lead to the state of enlightenment; in this sense are they
links to awakening! They are in, of and by themselves enlightening; also in
this sense are they indeed links to awakening!

Establishing as the meaning of Awareness has to be directly experienced.
Examination as the meaning of Investigation has to be directly experienced.
Exertion of Effort as the meaning of Energy has to be directly experienced.
Intense Contentment as the meaning of Joy has to be directly experienced.
Stilled Peace as the meaning of Tranquillity has to be directly experienced.
Non-Distraction as the meaning of Concentration has to be directly experienced.
Even Ballance as the meaning of Equanimity has to be directly experienced.

They are enlightening as a root, thus are they links to awakening.
They are enlightening as a cause, thus are they links to awakening.
They are enlightening as a requisite, thus are they links to awakening.
They are enlightening as a purification, thus are they links to awakening.
They are enlightening as blamelessness, thus are they links to awakening.
They are enlightening as withdrawal exit, thus are they links to awakening.
They are enlightening as delivering freedom, thus are they links to awakening.
They are enlightening as lack of fermentation, thus are they links to awakening.
They are enlightening as silent solitary seclusion, thus are they links to awakening.
They are enlightening as a releasing relinquishment, thus are they links to awakening.
On these 7 Links to Awakening (Sambojjhanga):
Source (edited extract): Sāriputta
Path of Discrimination: Patisambhidamagga.
Treatise on the Links to Awakening XIII.
The Meaning of the 7 links?
Have a nice & noble day!
Friendship is the Greatest!
Bhikkhu Samāhita _/\_ ]

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