
Wednesday, May 23, 2012

How to train and purify Imperturbable Equanimity!

Sitting alone, in silence, each early morning, with closed eyes one wishes:
May I radiate and meet only calm, imperturbable, and even equanimity!
May I and all the various beings on the 31 levels of existence develop and find
only the composure and poise of calm, imperturbable, and even equanimity!
May I and all beings on the sense-desire, fine-material, and the formless plane
and encounter this serene, calm, imperturbable, and even equanimity!
May I and all beings in the front, to the right, the back, the left and below as
develop and experience cool, calm, imperturbable, and even equanimity!
May I and all beings in this city, country, and universe always be fully aware
deeply mindful of this steady, calm, imperturbable, and even equanimity!
May I and all beings in this city, country, and universe examine all details and
aspects of this unstirred, placid, imperturbable, and even equanimity!
May I and all beings in this city, country, and universe put enthusiastic effort
their training of this solid, calm, imperturbable, and even equanimity!
May I and all beings in this city, country and universe find enraptured joy and
jubilant gladness in this unmovable, calm, imperturbable, and even equanimity!
May I and all beings in this city, country, and universe cultivate the tranquillity
of quiet, silent, stilled, and all smiling calm, imperturbable, and even equanimity!
May I and all beings in this city, country and universe attain concentrated and
absorbed one-pointedness by stoic, deep, imperturbable, and even equanimity!
May I and all beings in this city, country, and universe dwell in undisturbable
imperturbable equanimity of unexcitable and unreactive detachment...
Yeah! Print this out, dwell in each state until pure, use ~ 25-45 minutes. 

Comment:  Imperturbable Equanimity is the 4th infinite state (Appamaññā)
This gradually reduces all desire, attraction, drift, tendency, bias, preference,
favouritism, one-sided partiality and unhappiness related with all these states.
Equanimity is the
proximate cause of any knowing and seeing leading to Wisdom...
Equanimity is an extremely subtle form of solid, calm and peaceful Happiness...
Equanimity purifies all other advantageous states and brings them to Perfection...
Equanimity is unresponsive indifference, unstirred, unaffected, and untroubled!!!
There is Equanimity both regarding all live beings and all dead things!
There is Equanimity both regarding all internal and all external states!
There is Equanimity both regarding all past, all present and all future events!
There is Equanimity both regarding all what is mental and all which is physical!
There is Equanimity both regarding all what is material and all which is immaterial!
There is Equanimity both regarding all formed and all formless phenomena!
Cultivating such six-fold equanimity brings this supreme state to completion.


Unshakable Equanimity (=Upekkhã)!
Have a nice & noble day!
Friendship is the Greatest!
Bhikkhu Samāhita _/\_ ] 

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