
Monday, May 21, 2012

Meditation gives Infinite Joy!

Brahmavihãra Meditation gives Infinite Joy!

Training Universal Friendliness induces unalloyed Joy!
Cultivating Boundless Pity enables tranquil Tolerance!
Developing Mutual Joy produces deep Contentment!
Refining Equanimity establishes calming Serenity!
The Blessed Buddha repeatedly explained:
May all creatures, all breathing things,
all beings one and all, without exception,
experience joy and good fortune only.
May they not fall into any harm!
Anguttara Nikāya II, 72
With good will for the entire cosmos,
Cultivate a limitless & infinite heart:
Above, as below, across & all around,
Unobstructed, without any hostility.
Sutta Nipāta I, 8

Overcome the angry by friendliness;
Overcome the wicked by goodness;
Overcome the miser by generosity;
Overcome the liar by truth.
Dhammapada 223

Train yourself in doing only pure good...
That lasts and brings great happiness!
Cultivate generosity, a peaceful living,
a mentality of infinite friendliness!
Itivuttaka 16

Blazing Goodwill produces infinite Joy!
Have a nice & noble day!
Friendship is the Greatest!
Bhikkhu Samāhita _/\_ ]

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