
Friday, June 1, 2012

4 Things Open the Entrance Streaming right to Nibbâna!

The blessed Buddha once said:
Bhikkhus and friends, these four things, when developed and cultivated,
to the realization of the fruit of Stream-entry. What four?
1: Association with excellent persons,
: Hearing and learning True Dhamma,
3: Rational and careful attention,
4: Praxis in accordance with the Dhamma.
These four things, when developed and cultivated,
to the realization of the fruit of Stream-entry ...
lead to the realization of the fruit of Once-returning ...
lead to the realization of the fruit of Non-returning ...
lead to the obtaining of understanding ...
lead to the growth of understanding ...
lead to the expansion of understanding ...
lead to great understanding ... 
lead to extensive understanding ...
lead to vast understanding ...
lead to deep understanding ...
lead to matchless understanding ...
lead to wide understanding ...
lead to rich understanding ...
lead to quick understanding ...
lead to buoyant understanding ...
lead to joyous understanding .....
lead to swift understanding ...
lead to sharp understanding ...
lead to penetrative understanding ...
lead to transcendent understanding ...
lead to great wisdom ...!!!
What four?

1: Association with excellent persons,
: Hearing & learning True Dhamma,
3: Rational and careful attention,
4: Praxis in accordance with the Dhamma.
These 4 things, when initiated & trained, lead to penetrative understanding...
These 4 things, when completed, lead to the very final fruit of Arahat-ship:
Awakening into Enlightenment, the very deathless dimension:  Nibbāna ...!!!

Source (edited extract):
The Grouped Sayings of the Buddha. Samyutta Nikāya. Book V [411-2]
55: Stream Entry. Sotāpatti. The fruits of Stream Entry. 55-63.
Only Stream-Entrance Can Make U Safe!
Have a nice & noble day!
Friendship is the Greatest!
Bhikkhu Samāhita _/\_ ]

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