
Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Ceasing the 5 Clusters Ceases Suffering!

At Savatthi the Blessed Buddha said this:
Bhikkhus, there are these five clusters of clinging! What five?
The cluster of clinging to form...
The cluster of clinging to feeling...
The cluster of clinging to perception...
The cluster of clinging to construction...
The cluster of clinging to consciousness...
When, Bhikkhus, a Noble Disciple understands as they really are:
The arising, the ceasing, the satisfaction, the danger, and the escape
from these five clusters of clinging, then he is called a Noble Disciple,
who is a Stream-Enterer, no longer bound to the painful lower worlds,
fixed in destiny, with Enlightenment as his assured destination!
Explanation: Being is Burning on Craving and Clinging:
The body arises from food and ceases in absence of food.
Feeling, perception & mental construction arise from contact and ceases
absence of sense contact. Consciousness arises from name-&-form and
in absence of this body-&-mind: mentality-&-materiality. These are
clusters proximate causes... Their remote causes are past ignorance,
for them and intentional action (= Kamma) resulting in them!
The satisfaction of these five clusters of clinging is the pleasure and joy
temporarily induce... The danger of these five clusters of clinging is
impermanence & inevitable fading away! The escape is the Noble Way
ceasing all craving for these 5 clusters of clinging! That ends suffering!

Entering the Stream means having max. 7 lives before Enlightenment!

The Grouped Sayings by the Buddha. Samyutta Nikāya 22:109 III 161
Gone Out!
Have a nice & noble day!
Friendship is the Greatest!
Bhikkhu Samāhita _/\_ ]

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