
Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Evil Will Infuriate an Enraged Mind!

A Brahmin Priest once asked the Blessed Buddha:
Master Gotama, what is the cause of being unable to remember something
has been memorized over a long period & also that which has not?
Brahmin, when mind is obsessed by evil-will, enraged & dominated by evil-will,
one does not understand any safe escape from this arisen ill of evil-will,
in that very moment, one neither sees nor understands, what is advantageous,
neither for oneself, nor for others, nor for both... On such enraged occasions,
texts, that have been long memorized, cannot be recalled by mind.
Why is this neglect so? Imagine a bowl of water boiling and bubbling being
heated over a blazing fire.  If a man with good eye-sight were to inspect
reflection of his own face in it, he would neither see nor recognize his
own face, as it really is! So too, brahmin, when mind is obsessed by evil-will,
maddened, beset & dominated by evil-will, on that occasion even those texts,
that have been long memorized do not recur to the mind, not to speak of
those texts, events and information, that have not been memorized at all…
On hate, anger, irritation, opposition, and stubbornness see:
Hate (Dosa) is one of the 3 Roots (Mūla) of all Evil present in most beings:
Hot_Hostile_Hate, Release_of_Resentment
Anger, irritation, opposition & stubbornness are diluted derivatives of Hate:
Slaying Anger, The Elimination of Anger, Anger_&_Irritation, Break_Anger
How_to_Cure_Cruelty_and_Revengefulness, How_to_Cure_Ill_Will,
How_to_Cure_Anger_and_Irritation, Appeasing_Anger, No_Revenge!
Source (edited extract):
The Grouped Sayings of the Buddha. Samyutta Nikāya.
Book [V:121-2] section 46: The Links. 55: To Sangarava...
The Enraged Mind!
Have a nice & noble day!
Friendship is the Greatest!
Bhikkhu Samāhita _/\_ ]

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