
Sunday, July 29, 2012

The Ultimate Goal is complete Extinguishing of Craving:

By the gradual stilling, giving up, fading away, letting go, relinquishing
and thus ceasing of all greed, desire, lust, craving, clinging, attachment,
adherence, obsession, and latent tendency towards the various elements
of forms, feelings, perceptions, constructions & kinds of consciousness,
the mind is finally said to be
well released...!!!
Therefore; those recluses & priests, who are well released by Extinction
of Craving, have reached the Ultimate End & won Absolute Security from
Bondage, they have achieved a Sublime Nobility, they have accomplished
the Supreme Good! They are therefore Best among all Gods & all Humans!!!
Even these mighty Devas as Indra, Brahmā and Pajapati praise them with
long standing ovations from afar:
Homage to you, Thoroughbred Man!
Admirable are you, Supreme Man!
We do not know on what you Meditate!
The Grouped Sayings by the Buddha. Samyutta Nikāya 22(4+79): [III 13+-91]
The Ultimate Goal!
Have a nice & noble day!
Friendship is the Greatest!
Bhikkhu Samāhita _/\_ ]

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