
Sunday, September 30, 2012

What Causes this Conditioned Emergence?


Description: D:\Mydocs\My Web Sites\What_Buddha_Said\Pics\awareness_emergence.jpg
What is Dependent Co-origination? The condensed ultra-cut answer is:
When this is present, that too is in existence.
When this arises, that too emerges.

Description: D:\Mydocs\My Web Sites\What_Buddha_Said\Pics\Dependent_Origination.jpg
In Detail:
The condition of Ignorance causes Mental Construction to arise.
The condition of Mental Construction causes Consciousness to arise.
The condition of Consciousness causes Name-&-Form to arise.
The condition of Name-&-Form causes The 6 Senses to arise.
The condition of The 6 Senses causes Contact to arise.
The condition of Contact causes Feeling to arise.
The condition of Feeling causes Craving to arise.
The condition of Craving causes Clinging to arise.
The condition of Clinging causes Becoming to arise.
The condition of Becoming causes Birth to arise.
The condition of Birth causes Ageing, Decay & Death to arise.
The condition of Ageing, Decay & Death causes Pain to arise...
Such is the arising of this entire immense mass of Suffering!!!
This is called the Wrong Way ...
This is Dependent Co-origination!
A chain of conditioned effects, that each causes new events to occur!
The Grouped Sayings on Causation. Nidāna Samyutta Nikāya XII
Description: D:\Mydocs\My Web Sites\What_Buddha_Said\Pics\emergence2.jpg
Conditioned is Emergence!
Have a nice & noble day!
Description: signature.picDescription: Bowing_Bhikkhu 
Friendship is the Greatest! Bhikkhu Samāhita _/\_ ]

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