
Thursday, September 6, 2012

What is it that Exists & what does Not Exist?


The blessed Buddha said regarding ontology:
What is it, Bhikkhus, that the wise & clever in the world agree upon as not
, of which I too say that it does not exist? Form that is permanent,
, eternal, not subject to change: This the wise & clever in the world
agree upon as not existing, and I too say, that it does not exist. So also
... Perceptions ... Mental Constructions ... and a Consciousness,
that should be permanent, stable, eternal, and not subject to change: This
the wise & clever in the world agree upon as not existing, and I too say,
that it does not exist... That, bhikkhus, is what the wise & clever in the world
upon as not existing, of which I too say, that it does not exist.
And what is it, bhikkhus, that the wise & clever in the world agree upon as
, of which I too say that it exists? Form that is impermanent, painful,
subject to change: this the wise and clever in the world agree upon as
, and I too say, that it exists! Transient Feelings ... Perceptions ...
Mental Constructions, & a Consciousness, that is momentary, suffering, and
subject to change: this the wise & clever in the world agree upon as
, & I too say that it exists! That, bhikkhus is what the wise & clever
this world agree upon as existing, of which I too say that it exists...

The Dynamics of interdependent re-becoming into being.

No existence is Static - the same over time - unchanging....
If it were static we would live in a deep-freezer with no movement at all...
All existence is Dynamic - never the same- transient and ever hanging!
All existence is therefore a Re-Becoming Anew - a momentary rebirth...
Again and Again and again and again... Everything breaks up!

Everything breaks up, falls apart, and soon vanishes!

More on Buddhist Ontology: What exists & how does it exist?

Existence is Transient, Flickering, already passed, & never returning!
Source: The Grouped Sayings by the Buddha. Samyutta Nikāya XXII (94); [III 139] An Ocean of Dhamma Teaching! On Clusters!

What is it that Exists?
Have a nice & noble day!
Friendship is the Greatest!
Bhikkhu Samāhita _/\_ ]

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