
Tuesday, April 9, 2013

The Detrimental & Advantageous topics of Conversation:

The disadvantageous subjects of bestial conversation are: 

conversation about kings, robbers, & ministers of state, armies, alarms, & battles, food & drink,
clothing, furniture, garlands, & scents, relatives, vehicles, villages, towns, cities, the countryside,
women & heroes, the gossip of the street & the well, tales of the dead, tales of diversity,
the creation of the world & of the sea, talk of whether things exist or not.

The 10 advantageous subjects of conversation are:
Talk on the Modesty of having few wants,
Talk on the Bliss of Contentment,
Talk on the Joy of Seclusion,
Talk on the Ease of Disentanglement,
Talk on the Energy of Enthusiasm,
Talk on the Advantage of Morality,
Talk on the Calm of Concentration,
Talk on the Insight of Understanding,
Talk on the Freedom of Release,
Talk on the Direct Knowledge and Vision of Release ...

What are Good Topics?
Have a nice & noble day!
Friendship is the Greatest! Bhikkhu Samāhita _/\_ ]

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