
Monday, July 8, 2013

Establishing Awareness Creates a Mighty Magic Power!

Venerable Sariputta

Sāketa was the place where Venerable Sariputta said this to Venerable Anuruddha:
Friend Anuruddha, by cultivating and making much of which conditions have you
developed such mighty magic power and supreme majesty ?

Friend, it is by cultivating and making much of the Four Foundations of Awareness
that I have done so. What four? Herein friend,

I dwell contemplating body just as a form ... & the rise and fall of body ...
both own and other ... internal and external ... past, present and future!
I dwell contemplating feeling just as reaction ... & the rise and fall of feeling ...
both own and other ... internal and external ... past, present and future!
I dwell contemplating all mind just as moods ... & the rise and fall of mind ...
both own and other ... internal and external ... past, present and future!
I dwell contemplating all phenomena just as mental states ...
& rise and fall of mental states ... both own and other ... internal and external ...
whether past, present and future!

Moreover, friend it is by cultivating and making much of these Four Foundations of Awareness
that I have come to completely & directly experience this thousandfold galactic world-system.
Moreover, it is because of having cultivated & made much of these Four Foundations of Awareness
that the painful feelings that come upon my body make no contact on my mind.
Moreover, it is because of having cultivated & made much of these Four Foundations of Awareness
that I enjoy  many forms of magic powers: From being one I become many, visible or invisible ...
& even as far as the fine material Dark matter Brahma world do I exert power with my body.
Moreover, it is because of having cultivated & made much of these Four Foundations of Awareness,
that I hear with divine hearing purified and supra-human the sound of both man and deva, far or near.
Moreover, it is because of having cultivated & made much of these Four Foundations of Awareness,
that I know the minds of other beings; the lustful as lustful ... the liberated as liberated.
Moreover, it is because of having cultivated & made much of these Four Foundations of Awareness,
that I know, as it really is, the cause of any given event and what is not the cause of this event.
Moreover, it is because of having cultivated & made much of these Four Foundations of Awareness,
that I know as they really are the cause and conditions of any given action, whether performed in
the past, future or present time.
Moreover, it is because of having cultivated & made much of these Four Foundations of Awareness,
that I know, as it really is, the gradual and final result of any given practise.
Moreover, it is because of having cultivated & made much of these Four Foundations of Awareness,
that I know, as they really are, the diverse character of whatever being.
Moreover, it is because of having cultivated & made much of these Four Foundations of Awareness,
that I know, as they really are, the natures of other beings and persons minds.
Moreover, it is because of having cultivated & made much of these Four Foundations of Awareness,
that I know, as they really are, the corruption, purification and uprising of the attainments of any
trance, mental release and concentration.
Moreover, it is because of having cultivated & made much of these Four Foundations of Awareness,
that I can remember my past lives, as they really were: One, two ... thousand births in all their
minutest detail and peculiarity.
Moreover, it is because of having cultivated & made much of these Four Foundations of Awareness,
that I know and see with divine supra-human sight, as they really are, the going & coming of beings,
death & rebirth, transmigrating according to their behaviour.
Moreover, it is because of having cultivated & made much of these Four Foundations of Awareness,
that I know, as it really is, in this very life, by my own unaided ability, the destruction of the mental
fermentations, & the calm blissful dwelling in release & insight freed from all mental fermentation...
Venerable Anuruddha

Source: Samyutta Nikāya V Maha Vagga, Section on Anuruddha. 

Anuruddha was first cousin of the Buddha & an eminently Aware master disciple:
Mighty Magic Majesty!
Have a nice & noble day!
Friendship is the Greatest! Bhikkhu Samāhita _/\_ ]

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