
Wednesday, August 7, 2013

The 10 Contemplations is Daily Buddhist Routine!

The Blessed Buddha once said:
Bhikkhus & friends: There is one contemplation, which when often practiced
and developed leads to the complete turning away from the world, leads to
detachment, to stilling, to ceasing, to Peace, to final penetrating knowledge,
to Enlightenment, and thus indeed to Nibbāna...
Any Noble Disciple who by gradual progress has understood the Dhamma
dwells frequently in this state. Which is that one contemplation?
It is reflecting on the sublime qualities of the ultimate Peace like this:
This is peaceful, this is sublime, namely, the stilling of all kammic construction,
the leaving behind of all substrata of any becoming, the complete vanishing of
all sorts of craving, ceasing, relinquishment, release, Nibbāna...
Whatever, Bhikkhus & friends, there is of both conditioned and unconditioned
things, dependent & independent constructions, releasing detachment is always
considered the highest of them, that is, the final destruction of fake ego-belief,
the overcoming of all desire and thirst, the rooting out of clinging, the breaking
out of this long round of rebirths, the vanishing of craving by absolute release!
This -only this- is Nibbāna...
The Ultimate Peace!
Have a nice & noble day!
Friendship is the Greatest! Bhikkhu Samāhita _/\_ ]

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