
Friday, July 18, 2014

The 16 Supra-Human Roots!

What are the 16 roots of Imperturbable Peace?

1: The undepressed mind is not perturbed by any sadness, therefore it is unperturbed..
2: The unexcited mind is not perturbed by any agitation, therefore it is unperturbed..
3: The unattracted mind is not perturbed by any desire, therefore it is unperturbed..
4: The unopposed mind is not perturbed by any anger, therefore it is unperturbed..
5: The self-reliant mind is not perturbed by other's opinions, therefore it is unperturbed..
6: The uninvolved mind is not perturbed by any annoyance, therefore it is unperturbed..
7: The released mind is not perturbed by any sensual lust, therefore it is unperturbed..
8: The detached mind is not perturbed by any clinging, therefore it is unperturbed..
9: The unhindered mind is not perturbed by any obstruction, therefore it is unperturbed.
10: The unified mind is not perturbed by any diverse variety, therefore it is unperturbed..
11: The mind reinforced by faith is not perturbed by any doubt, therefore it is unperturbed..
12: The enthusiastic keen mind is not perturbed by any laziness, therefore it is unperturbed..
13: The acutely aware mind is not perturbed by any negligence, therefore it is unperturbed..
14: The concentrated mind is not perturbed by any distraction, therefore it is unperturbed..
15: The understanding mind is not perturbed by any confusion, therefore it is unperturbed..
16: The illuminated mind is not perturbed by any dark blind ignorance, thus it is unperturbed..
These sixteen roots of success lead to the obtaining of super-human power and to the
fearlessness of one enjoying the success of supra-human force...
Source: Venerable Sāriputta, in: The Path of Discrimination: Patidasambhidāmagga II 206

Have a nice & noble day!
Friendship is the Greatest! Bhikkhu Samāhita _/\_ ]

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