Instantly Evaporating all Evil Mental States!
The Blessed Buddha once said:
When, bhikkhus and friends, while one is trying to behave good & cleaver,
if occasionally due to a lapse of awareness, a momentary neglect occurs &
evil detrimental memories and bad intentions arise in one, slow might be
the re-arising of one's awareness, but one should the ultra-quickly leave
these thoughts, dispel these obsessions, and end these impulses, thereby
eradicating both any phobia and mania. Imagine a man who let a tiny drop
of water fall onto an iron plate heated for a whole day on the stove...
Slow might be his letting go of the water drop, but then it would quickly
vaporize and vanish when hitting the pan. Even so, while one is neglecting
the presence of acute awareness & the mind strays back into the mental
habits of evil detrimental memories and bad intentions, slow might be the
re-arising of one's awareness, yet then one should instantly leave these
thoughts, dispel these obsessions, end these impulses, thereby eradicating
any disadvantageous and afflicting phobia and mania. It is in exactly this
way that a bhikkhu has comprehended the ideal mode of behaviour & habit
of living that prevents any evil detrimental mental state of avariciousness,
lust, greed, envy, jealousy and discontent in flowing in upon, enveloping &
completely dominating him...
When, bhikkhus and friends, while one is trying to behave good & cleaver,
if occasionally due to a lapse of awareness, a momentary neglect occurs &
evil detrimental memories and bad intentions arise in one, slow might be
the re-arising of one's awareness, but one should the ultra-quickly leave
these thoughts, dispel these obsessions, and end these impulses, thereby
eradicating both any phobia and mania. Imagine a man who let a tiny drop
of water fall onto an iron plate heated for a whole day on the stove...
Slow might be his letting go of the water drop, but then it would quickly
vaporize and vanish when hitting the pan. Even so, while one is neglecting
the presence of acute awareness & the mind strays back into the mental
habits of evil detrimental memories and bad intentions, slow might be the
re-arising of one's awareness, yet then one should instantly leave these
thoughts, dispel these obsessions, end these impulses, thereby eradicating
any disadvantageous and afflicting phobia and mania. It is in exactly this
way that a bhikkhu has comprehended the ideal mode of behaviour & habit
of living that prevents any evil detrimental mental state of avariciousness,
lust, greed, envy, jealousy and discontent in flowing in upon, enveloping &
completely dominating him...
What is Evil, Disadvantageous and Detrimental (Akusala)? drops/IV/What_is_Detrimental. htm drops/III/What_is_ Disadvantageous.htm
Source (edited extract):
The Grouped Sayings of the Buddha. Samyutta Nikāya. Book IV [190-] 35:
6 Senses. Salayatana. States that entail Suffering. Dukkha-Dhammā 244. cgi?prod_id=948507
http://www.accesstoinsight. org/canon/samyutta/index.html
Have a nice & noble day!The Grouped Sayings of the Buddha. Samyutta Nikāya. Book IV [190-] 35:
6 Senses. Salayatana. States that entail Suffering. Dukkha-Dhammā 244.
Friendship is the Greatest!
Bhikkhu Samāhita _/\_ Sri Lanka ]
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