The 2 Dimensions of Nibbãna:
There is Nibbāna here & now in this very life:
We call it Sa-upadi-sesa-Nibbāna i.e. Nibbāna with traces of the
substrates of becoming, still remaining! Then there is final Nibbāna,
with no substrates for being or fuels for becoming left remaining:
This is called An-upadi-sesa-Nibbāna.
The Blessed Buddha explained it thus: The 2 aspects of Nibbāna:
Bhikkhus, there are these two Nibbāna-elements. What are the two?
The Nibbāna-element with residue left and the Nibbāna-element without
any traces of substrate left.
What, bhikkhus, is the Nibbāna-element with residue left?
Here a bhikkhu is an arahat, one whose mental fermentations is silenced,
who have fulfilled the Noble life, who has done all what was to be done,
who has laid down the burden, attained the goal, who has destroyed the
bondages of being, who is completely released through final knowledge.
However, his five sense abilities remain unimpaired. Through these he still
experiences what is agreeable and disagreeable, and feels both pleasure
and pain. It is the extinction of attachment, aversion, & confusion in him,
that is called this Nibbāna-element with residue left.
Now what, bhikkhus, is the Nibbāna-element with no residue remaining?
Here a bhikkhu is an arahat, one whose mental fermentations is silenced,
who have fulfilled the Noble life, who has done all what was to be done,
who has laid down the burden, attained the goal, who has destroyed the
bondages of being, who is completely released through final knowledge.
For him, here in this very life, all that is experienced, not being delighted
in, will grow cold right there and cease. That is called Nibbāna-element
with no residue left. These, bhikkhus, are the two Dimensions of Nibbāna...
These two Nibbāna-elements were thus made known by the Seeing One,
confident & detached: The first is the element with substrates of being
remaining, realized here and now, but with re-becoming destroyed.
The other, having no residue left for the future, is that wherein all modes
of being utterly cease. Having understood this unconstructed state,
released in mind, with the cord to becoming eliminated, they attain to the
sublime essence of all states. Delighting in calming and ceasing of craving,
those steady ones have left all being and becoming behind...
Sa-upadi-sesa-Nibbāna i.e. Nibbāna with traces of becoming remaining is
the state of the living arahat, who has still has body, feeling, perception,
mental construction and consciousness as a remaining result of clinging
in his past, the effects of which have not yet been fully exhausted...
Final Nibbāna with no substrates for being or fuels for becoming left
remaining An-upadi-sesa-Nibbāna is the state of the arahat after death,
where body, feeling, perception, mental construction and consciousness
have irreversibly ceased ever re-arising anywhere anymore!
Source; Thus Was it Said: Itivuttaka II.17; Iti 38
More on this uncreated state - Nibbāna (Sanskrit = Nirvana):
Climax of Calm, Final Freedom, The Proximate Cause, Peace,
What_is_Nibbana, Nibbana or non-return, Reaching Peace,
The_Uncreated, How_to_Enter, Nibbana_True_Peace,
The_Entrance, The_Unborn_State, The_Signless_Nibbana,
Nibbana_Still, Imperturbable_Equanimity.
Have a nice & noble day!Climax of Calm, Final Freedom, The Proximate Cause, Peace,
What_is_Nibbana, Nibbana or non-return, Reaching Peace,
The_Uncreated, How_to_Enter, Nibbana_True_Peace,
The_Entrance, The_Unborn_State, The_Signless_Nibbana,
Nibbana_Still, Imperturbable_Equanimity.
Friendship is the Greatest!
Bhikkhu Samāhita _/\_ ]
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