The 5 Abilities producing Feeling!
The Blessed Buddha once said:
Bhikkhus, there are these five mental abilities to feel (vedanā). What five?
The Blessed Buddha once said:
Bhikkhus, there are these five mental abilities to feel (vedanā). What five?
1: The ability to feel pleasure (sukha).
2: The ability to feel pain (dukkha).
3: The ability to feel gladness (somanassa).
4: The ability to feel sadness (domanassa).
5: The ability to feel equanimity (upekkhā).
2: The ability to feel pain (dukkha).
3: The ability to feel gladness (somanassa).
4: The ability to feel sadness (domanassa).
5: The ability to feel equanimity (upekkhā).
Feelings are like bubbles, empty, void, without substance, quickly bursting!
What, Bhikkhus, is the ability to feel pleasure?
Whatever bodily pleasure there is, whatever bodily comfort, any pleasant
agreeable feeling born of body-contact: This is the ability to feel pleasure.
What, Bhikkhus, is the ability to feel pain?
Whatever bodily pain there is, whatever bodily discomfort, painful, aching
disagreeable feeling born of body-contact: This is the ability to feel pain.
What, Bhikkhus, is the ability to feel gladness?
Whatever mental pleasure there is, whatever mental comfort, and pleasing
agreeable feeling born of mental contact: This is the ability to feel gladness.
What, Bhikkhus, is the ability to feel sadness?
Whatever mental frustration there is, whatever mental grief, disagreeable
feeling born of mental contact: This is the ability to feel sadness.
What, Bhikkhus, is the ability to feel equanimity?
Whatever feeling there is, whether bodily or mental, that is neutral & thus
neither comfortable, nor uncomfortable, neither agreeable nor disagreeable:
This, Bhikkhus, is called the ability to feel equanimity. These five, Bhikkhus,
are the five abilities to feel feelings.
Whatever bodily pleasure there is, whatever bodily comfort, any pleasant
agreeable feeling born of body-contact: This is the ability to feel pleasure.
What, Bhikkhus, is the ability to feel pain?
Whatever bodily pain there is, whatever bodily discomfort, painful, aching
disagreeable feeling born of body-contact: This is the ability to feel pain.
What, Bhikkhus, is the ability to feel gladness?
Whatever mental pleasure there is, whatever mental comfort, and pleasing
agreeable feeling born of mental contact: This is the ability to feel gladness.
What, Bhikkhus, is the ability to feel sadness?
Whatever mental frustration there is, whatever mental grief, disagreeable
feeling born of mental contact: This is the ability to feel sadness.
What, Bhikkhus, is the ability to feel equanimity?
Whatever feeling there is, whether bodily or mental, that is neutral & thus
neither comfortable, nor uncomfortable, neither agreeable nor disagreeable:
This, Bhikkhus, is called the ability to feel equanimity. These five, Bhikkhus,
are the five abilities to feel feelings.
Noteworthy Central Implications:
If unaware & untrained then bodily pleasure and mental gladness will incite
greed, lust and derivatives such as desire, craving, wanting, urge & longing!
If unaware and untrained, then bodily pain and mental sadness will induce
aversion, hate and derivatives such as anger, wrath, irritation & opposition!
If unaware and untrained, then mental equanimity will instigate ignorance,
neglect, and derivatives such as doubt, hesitation, uncertainty & confusion!
If aware and trained then mental equanimity will activate bliss, knowing &
seeing and will through peace refine and complete all other good states!
This core causality made Buddha exclaim: All states converges on Feeling!!!
If unaware & untrained then bodily pleasure and mental gladness will incite
greed, lust and derivatives such as desire, craving, wanting, urge & longing!
If unaware and untrained, then bodily pain and mental sadness will induce
aversion, hate and derivatives such as anger, wrath, irritation & opposition!
If unaware and untrained, then mental equanimity will instigate ignorance,
neglect, and derivatives such as doubt, hesitation, uncertainty & confusion!
If aware and trained then mental equanimity will activate bliss, knowing &
seeing and will through peace refine and complete all other good states!
This core causality made Buddha exclaim: All states converges on Feeling!!!
More on Feeling:
Source (edited extract):
The Grouped Sayings of the Buddha. Samyutta Nikāya.
Book [V:209] section 48: The Abilities. 36: Definitions ...
Friendship is the Greatest!
Bhikkhu Samāhita _/\_ ]
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