The One thus come & thus gone!
The Buddha once explained:
Bhikkhus, this world has been fully understood by the Tathagata.
The Tathagata is completely released from this world.
The origin of this world has been fully understood by the Tathagata.
The origin of this world has been completely abandoned by the Tathagata.
The ceasing of this world has been fully understood by the Tathagata.
The ceasing of this world has been completely realized by the Tathagata.
The way leading to the ceasing of this world has been fully understood by
the Tathagata and this way has been completely developed by the Tathagata.
Bhikkhus, in the world with its devas, maras, and brahmas, with its recluses
and priests, among humankind with its princes and people, whatever is seen,
heard, sensed, cognized, attained, sought, and reflected upon by the mind,
all that is fully understood by the Tathagata. It is therefore he is called the
Tathagata. Bhikkhus, from the night when the Tathagata awakened to this
unsurpassable perfect enlightenment & until the night, when he passes away
into the Nibbana-element with no trace left, whatever he speaks, says, and
explains all that is true, correct, just and exactly so and not otherwise at all!
It is therefore he is called the Tathagata. As the Tathagata says, so he does.
As the Tathagata does, so he says. It is therefore he is called the Tathagata.
In the world with its devas, maras, and brahmas, with its recluses and priests,
among humankind with its princes and people, the Tathagata is the conqueror,
the undefeated, the all-seeing, the wielder of power.
It is therefore he is called the Tathagata!
Itivuttaka 112
Full text here:
The designation Tathagata has 2 (contracted) meanings:
Tatha + gata = Thus come (to Enlightenment)
Tath + agata = Thus gone (beyond to Nibbana)
More on the Buddha:
Sammá-sambodhi, SammaSamBuddho!!!, The_10_Future_Buddhas, Metteyya,
Next Buddha, How-2-Meet_Buddha_Metteyya?, Buddha_Contemplation,
Sumedhas_Similes, Well_Gone, Master_Presence, The_Blessed_One,
Have a nice & noble day!Sammá-sambodhi, SammaSamBuddho!!!, The_10_Future_Buddhas, Metteyya,
Next Buddha, How-2-Meet_Buddha_Metteyya?, Buddha_Contemplation,
Sumedhas_Similes, Well_Gone, Master_Presence, The_Blessed_One,
Friendship is the Greatest!
Bhikkhu Samāhita _/\_ ]
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