Hello Everyone!
The Buddha said:
They awaken, always wide awake:
Gotama's disciples
whose mindfulness, both day & night,
is constantly immersed
in the Buddha.
Gotama's disciples
whose mindfulness, both day & night,
is constantly immersed
in the Dhamma.
Gotama's disciples
whose mindfulness, both day & night,
is constantly immersed
in the Sangha.
Dhp 21
Comments: The Buddha urges us to awaken from the stupor we inflict upon our minds with the defilements of greed, hate, confusion, conceit, speculative views, skeptical doubt, mental laziness, restlessness, shamelessness, and lack of fear of wrongdoing. In order to identify these qualities in our minds, how we cause needless suffering, to ourselves and others, the ending of the suffering, as well as bring the path to peace and tranquility to consummation, we must practice mindfulness at all times.
See the Satipatthana Sutta:
Once we have seen how craving and clinging are completely unsatisfactory, and fail at removing them on our own, we realize that we are going to need help with undermining our tenacious grip. We need a refuge within, and others to guide us along the path to it. We need to develop faith and conviction that the Buddha was able to eliminate his own defilements, his teaching can be practiced by us, and the Noble Sangha can help us learn how to practice. We need to realize that practicing a new way of life is the only way out of the cyclic suffering caused by endless rounds of rebirth, and we cannot do it alone.
An excellent article on taking refuge:
In taking refuge in the Triple Gem, we reverse our tendency to go outward, gain increasing territory, widen our range of ownership, control and domination. Instead, we journey inward, pursuing renunciation and detachment by maintaining mindfulness of the body, feelings, mind and mental qualities.
When we are able to maintain this mindfulness, we can identify, and eliminate all craving and clinging from the mind. We find what we have been looking for outside…the pure tranquil, rapturous, blissful state of peace and contentment, which springs from within…
Take refuge and AWAKEN!
Many thanks to:
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