A good friend asked:
1: How can we avoid self blame, when things are not right?
2: How can we get rid of the feeling of spiritual inadequacy?
Answer 1:
Blaming (whether of oneself, or others) contains a stint of hate/aversion,
that makes blaming quite unsuitable as a vehicle for reconstructive purposes…
Critique/good advice (whether of one-self, or others) should better be based
on these 5 principles given by the blessed Buddha:
[1] "Do I think/speak at the right time, or not?
[2] "Do I think/speak of actual facts, or not?
[3] "Do I think/speak gently or harshly?
[4] "Do I think/speak long-term advantageous thoughts/words or not?
[5] "Do I think/speak with a kind heart, or internally/externally malicious?
Answer 2: The element of “Spiritual inadequacy” can be utilized in two widely different ways:
A: Skillfully: To urge one onwards to enhance or stabilize the effort by promoting a sense of urgency!
B: Unskillfully: By suppressing the mind by self-blaming and self-hating, which disables all good efforts…
Whenever state B is recognized, then redirect mind to state A. It elevates mind by adding purposefulness!
to even a ‘bad’ unwanted and displeasing state, since this induces a sense of –meaning- even with the absurd ;-)
Like: “Ahh what an excellent training ground and thus opportunity for progress is not this frustrating event!”
Or: “OK fine, but there is definitely room for improvement here…” ;-)
Have a nice & noble day!
Friendship is the Greatest!
Bhikkhu Samāhita _/\_ ]
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