Unwavering Faith induces assured Confidence!
The blessed Buddha once noted:
Knowing, Friends, evil covetousness and wicked greed to be mental pollutions,
the Bhikkhu leaves them, rejects them, eliminates them and eradicates them...
Knowing hating ill will to be a mental pollution, he leaves all hostile ill will.
Knowing aversive anger to be a mental pollution, he rejects all anger.
Knowing vicious revenge to be a mental pollution, he avoids revenge.
Knowing contempt to be a mental pollution, he releases contempt.
Knowing tyranny to be a mental pollution, he abandons tyranny.
Knowing green envy to be a mental pollution, he deserts envy.
Knowing self-conceit to be a mental pollution, he quits conceit.
Knowing hypocrisy to be a mental pollution, he dodges hypocrisy.
Knowing negligence to be a mental pollution, he stops negligence.
Knowing puffed pride to be a mental pollution, he cuts out pride.
Knowing jealousy to be a mental pollution, he withdraws jealousy.
Knowing obstinacy to be a mental pollution, he gives up obstinacy.
Knowing vain vanity to be a mental pollution, he relinquishes vanity.
Knowing cheating fraud to be a mental pollution, he eschews fraud.
Knowing arrogance to be a mental pollution, he renounces arrogance.
When the Bhikkhu has eliminated all these polluting mental defilements,
he then gains unwavering Faith, unshakable Confidence and absolutely
immovable and imperturbable Conviction in the blessed Buddha thus:
Worthy, honourable and perfectly self-Enlightened is the Buddha!
Fully consummated in knowledge and behaviour, totally transcended,
expert in all dimensions, knower of all worlds, unsurpassable trainer
of those who can be tamed, both teacher and guide of gods as well
as humans, blessed, exalted, awakened & enlightened is the Buddha!
He gains unwavering Faith, Confidence & Conviction in the Dhamma
thus: Perfectly formulated is the Buddha-Dhamma, visible right here
and now, immediately effective, timeless, inviting each and everyone
to come and see for themselves, inspect, examine and verify...
Leading each and everyone through progress towards perfection!
Directly observable, experiencable & realizable by each intelligence!
He gains unwavering Faith, Confidence and Conviction in the Sangha
thus: Perfectly training is this Noble Sangha community of Buddha's
Noble disciples: Training the right way, the true way, the good way,
the direct way! Therefore do these 8 kinds of individuals, these four
Noble pairs, deserve both gifts, self-sacrifice, offerings, hospitality
and reverential salutation even with joined palms, since this Noble
Sangha community of the Buddha's Noble disciples, is indeed an
unsurpassable and forever unsurpassed field of merit, in this world,
for this world, to honour, support, award, respect, and protect!
When he has given up, left and eliminated these mental pollutions
he knows: I am convinced by steady unwavering Faith & Confidence
in the Buddha... in the Dhamma... in the Sangha... He therefore gains
enthusiasm for the goal, gains inspiration from the Dhamma, & gains
the gladness connected with this true Dhamma! When gladdened, a
rapturous joy is born in him; being joyous in mind, his body becomes
tranquil; his body being tranquil, he feels happiness; and the mind of
him, who is happy becomes concentrated into full intense absorption!
Faith is the seeding initiator of the Noble Way!
For further Faith (Saddhā) please see:
Passing it on to the next generation!
Majjhima Nikāya MN 7 Vatthupama Sutta: The Simile of the Cloth!
Have a nice & noble day!
Friendship is the Greatest!
Bhikkhu Samāhita _/\_ ]
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