Effect of Immoral Action is Inevitably Painful!
The Blessed Buddha once explained:
The destroying and cruel killing of any living being, Bhikkhus and Friends,
committed, carried out, and often pursued, leads to Hell, the animal world,
or the realm of ghosts. Even the least result of killing living beings brings a
short future lifetime. Killing brings a bad and painful future & quick death!
The taking of other people's belongings, committed, carried out, and often
pursued, leads to Hell, the animal world, or the realm of hungry ghosts...
Even the slightest result of stealing other people's belongings brings the
future loss of one's own goods & property and induces thus future poverty!
Adultery and illegitimate sex, committed, carried out, and often pursued,
leads to Hell, rebirth as animal, or in realm of ugly ghosts. Even the minimum
result of unlawful sex brings future enmity, jealousy, envy & vicious rivalry!
Lying, committed, carried out, and often pursued, leads to Hell, the animal
world, or the realm of ghosts. Even the weakest result of lying brings future
false accusations, blame, condemnation, despise and evil-minded complaints!
Tale-bearing, slander, divisive speech of gossip & malicious rumours committed,
carried out, & often done, leads to Hell, animal world, or the realm of ghosts.
Even the slightest result of tale-bearing brings discord, disagreement and
splitting conflicts even with one's closest friends, family and associates.
Harsh, hurting and aggressive speech, committed, carried out, and often done,
leads to rebirth in Hell, rebirth in the animal world, or the realm of ghosts.
Even the smallest result of abusive language echoes back future relentless,
rude and ruthless rebuke, vicious verbal scolding and insulting insinuations!
Vain and empty gossip, prattle, and hearsay committed, carried out, & often
pursued, leads to Hell, the animal world, or the realm of ghosts. Even the least
result of vain and void prattle brings future hearing of unacceptable and
disagreeable stories, foul-mouthed speech, & offensive unpleasant words!
Drinking intoxicating drinks, such as wine and liquor, committed, carried out,
and often pursued, leads to rebirth in Hell, the animal world, or the realm of
hungry ghosts. Even the minutest result of drinking alcoholic drinks brings
future dementia and lunatic insanity either in this or in a future life!
Beings are owners of their actions (kamma), inheritor of their own actions,
are created and conditioned by their actions, and linked to their actions!
Their actions produce, shape, limit and prepare their future destiny...
Whatever action they perform; good as evil, the resulting reaction
and inevitable consequential effects will be theirs only! Be careful!
Kamma causes and creates a rebirth location! A shadow that never leaves!
For details on the mechanics of Kamma = Intentional Action see:
Numerical Discourses of the Buddha. Anguttara Nikāya AN 10:208
Have a nice & noble day!
Friendship is the Greatest!
Bhikkhu Samāhita _/\_ ]
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