What are the Causes of Lack of Vision & Wisdom?
A prince named fearless once asked the Blessed Buddha:
Venerable Sir, what is the conditioning cause for lack of vision & wisdom?
Prince, when mind is obsessed, overwhelmed, & dominated by sense-desire,
or when mind is beset by evil-will, plagued, enraged & conquered by anger,
or when mind is retarded, dimmed, detained & diluted by lethargic laziness,
or when mind is agitated, troubled & tyrannized by restlessness & regret,
or when mind is perplexed, confused & bewildered by doubt & uncertainty,
and one does not understand any safe escape from any of these present
mental hindrances, at that moment, one can neither see, nor understand
anything of what is advantageous, neither for oneself, nor for others,
nor both for oneself & others! These mental hindrances are therefore
the conditioning causes for lack of vision and wisdom! It is in exactly
this way, that ignorance arises from a cause, and not without a cause...
What is this Dhamma explanation called, Sir?
These are called the mental hindrances, prince.
Surely and unquestionably they are mental hindrances. Blessed One!
One overcome by even a single mental hindrance would not know and see
things as they really are, not to speak of one overcome by all these
5 mental hindrances...
More on these 5 Mental Hindrances (Nīvaranas):
Source (edited extract):
The Grouped Sayings of the Buddha. Samyutta Nikāya.
Book [V:127] section 46: The Links. 56: To Abhaya...
Have a nice & noble day!
Friendship is the Greatest!
Bhikkhu Samāhita _/\_ ]
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