Buddhist Film Festival at Sacred Waters Sunday, January 15th
Sponsored by the Sacred Waters Buddhist Group (Indiana). On Sunday, January 15th from 10:00 a.m. The public is invited and a free will offering will be used to support the facility.
Among the films offered will be:
Seven Years In Tibet starring Brad Pitt. The is based upon the true story of Heirich Harrer and his friend who escaped a British prison camp in India during WWII and crossed the Himalayas into Tibet. Harrer became a sort of mentor to the young Dalai Lama.
Martin Scorcese’s Kundun, the story of the early life of his Holiness, the Dalai Lama. This movie is very historically accurate.
Milarepa, Magician, Murder, Saint, part one of the story of one of Tibet’s great meditation masters and most famous saint. Milarepa, who lived roughly from 1050 to 1130, was a murderer who by extreme measures was able to become enlightened.
The Buddha, a PBS special detailing the life of Siddhartha Gautama, the Buddha of this age. 6 p.m.
Dalai Lama Renaissance Parts 1 and 2. A few years ago, His Holiness invited some of the top experts in a number of fields to Dharmasala, India. The film recounts the meetings at this conclave of experts and examines what it was that they hoped to achieve.
Journey Into Buddhism, a PBS special exploring the history and many facets of Buddhism.
Zen Noire, a detective story with a Buddhist flavor.
Words of My Perfect Teacher an entertaining story of a Buddhist monk/teacher who is an avid soccer fan.
Also available will be the 1995 videos of the teachings, in London, of His Holiness on The Four Noble Truths and Robert A.F. Thurman’s series on The Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha. Thurman is a professor at Columbia and the foremost American scholar on Tibetan Buddhism. These videos will be available upon request.
Available for private audio listening will be:
His Holiness’ Training the Mind
Jack Kornfields’ Buddhism for Beginnners
Reginal Ray’s Buddhist Tantra
Robert A.F. Thurman’s The Jewell Tree of Tibet – The Enlightenment Engine of Tibetan Buddhism
Sonyal Rinpoche’s famous work, Tibetan Wisdom of Living
and Dying (this work is exceptional)
In addition to the above, quiet rooms will be available for meditation.
The event will continue throughout the day and into the evening. Some films will be shown more than once. Attendees may bring snacks and soft drinks.
Show times are approximate and attendees should arrive 30 minutes before the scheduled time. Except for the 10 a.m. showing.
Milarepa 10 a.m./4 p.m.
Kundun noon/6 p.m.
7 Years in Tibet 2 p.m./8 p.m.
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