The Venerable Channa once said to a fellow disciple:
Friend Sariputta, it is because I have seen, known and directly experienced
the momentary arising & ceasing of the eye, visual-consciousness, and any
phenomena recognizable by visual-consciousness, that I indeed regard
them all thus: This is not mine, this is not me, this is not my self...
Furthermore: It is because I have seen, known and directly experienced the
momentary arising & ceasing of the ear, auditory-consciousness, all sounds,
the nose, olfactory consciousness, smells, the tongue, gustatory-consciousness,
all flavours, the body, tactile consciousness, all touches, the mind, any mental
consciousness, and any phenomena recognizable by mental-consciousness,
that I now indeed consider all these momentary mental states thus:
This is not mine, this is not me, this is not my self...
Then the Venerable Mahacunda said to Venerable Channa: Then friend Channa,
this teaching of the Buddha is to be given acute, constant & close attention:
any dependence, there is always a shaky, risky & vacillating wavering!
In all independence, there is neither any shaky, nor any risky wavering!
In all independence, there is neither any shaky, nor any risky wavering!
When there is no wavering,
then there is tranquillity. When there is tranquillity,
there is neither inclination, nor drifting, nor bending, nor attraction, nor repulsion...
When there is no such tendency, then there is neither any coming, nor any going!
When there is no coming & going, there is no passing away, nor any being reborn...
When there is neither passing away, nor being reborn, then there is neither here,
nor beyond, nor in between the two! This -itself- is the very End of all Suffering...
Any dependence implies insecure instability! Only the unconditioned is safe...
there is neither inclination, nor drifting, nor bending, nor attraction, nor repulsion...
When there is no such tendency, then there is neither any coming, nor any going!
When there is no coming & going, there is no passing away, nor any being reborn...
When there is neither passing away, nor being reborn, then there is neither here,
nor beyond, nor in between the two! This -itself- is the very End of all Suffering...
Any dependence implies insecure instability! Only the unconditioned is safe...
Stable Independence and Unstable Dependence...
The Grouped Sayings of the Buddha. Samyutta Nikāya. Book IV [59]
Section 35: On The 6 Senses. Channa: 87. cgi?prod_id=948507
http://www.accesstoinsight. org/canon/samyutta/index.html
The Grouped Sayings of the Buddha. Samyutta Nikāya. Book IV [59]
Section 35: On The 6 Senses. Channa: 87.
Without Wavering!
Have a nice & noble day!Friendship is the Greatest!
Bhikkhu Samāhita _/\_ ]
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