This Esala Poya day is the full-moon of July, which is noteworthy since on this celebrated day:
1: The Blessed Buddha preached his First Sermon: The Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta.
2: The Bodhisatta was conceived in Queen Maya who dreamt a white elephant entered her side.
3: The Blessed Buddha made the Great Withdrawal from the world at the age of 29 years.
4: The Blessed Buddha performed the Twin Miracle (yamaka-patihariya) of dual appearance.
5: The Blessed
Buddha explained the Abhi-Dhamma in the Tavatimsa heaven to his mother.
6: The ordination of Prince
Arittha at Anuradhapura,
under Arahat Mahinda on Sri Lanka.
7: The foundation of the celebrated Mahastupa & enshrinement of relics by King Dutugemunu.
8: The next day the yearly 3 months rains retreat (vassa) of Buddhist Bhikkhus start.
7: The foundation of the celebrated Mahastupa & enshrinement of relics by King Dutugemunu.
8: The next day the yearly 3 months rains retreat (vassa) of Buddhist Bhikkhus start.
On such Uposatha Observance days:
Any Lay Buddhist simply joins the Three Refuges and undertakes
the Five Precepts like this: Newly bathed, shaved, white-clothed,
with clean bare feet, one kneels at a shrine with a Buddha-statue,
and bows first three times, so that feet, hands, elbows, knees and
head touch the floor. Then, with joined palms in front of the heart,
one recite these memorized lines in a loud, calm & steady voice:
the Five Precepts like this: Newly bathed, shaved, white-clothed,
with clean bare feet, one kneels at a shrine with a Buddha-statue,
and bows first three times, so that feet, hands, elbows, knees and
head touch the floor. Then, with joined palms in front of the heart,
one recite these memorized lines in a loud, calm & steady voice:
As long as this life lasts:
I hereby take refuge in the Buddha. I hereby take refuge in the Dhamma. I hereby take refuge in the Sangha.
I hereby seek shelter in the Buddha for the 2nd time.
I hereby seek shelter in the Dhamma for the 2nd time. I hereby seek shelter in the Sangha for the 2nd time. |
I hereby request protection from the Buddha for the 3rd time. I hereby request protection from the Dhamma for the 3rd time. I hereby request protection from the Sangha for the 3rd time. I will hereby respect these Three Jewels the rest of my life! |
I accept to respect & undertake these 5 training rules:
I hereby accept the training rule of avoiding all Killing.
I hereby accept the training rule of avoiding all Stealing.
I hereby accept the training rule of avoiding all Sexual Abuse.
I hereby accept the training rule of avoiding all Dishonesty.
I hereby accept the training rule of avoiding all Alcohol & Drugs.
As long as this life lasts, I am thus protected by these 5 precepts...
I hereby accept the training rule of avoiding all Killing.
I hereby accept the training rule of avoiding all Stealing.
I hereby accept the training rule of avoiding all Sexual Abuse.
I hereby accept the training rule of avoiding all Dishonesty.
I hereby accept the training rule of avoiding all Alcohol & Drugs.
As long as this life lasts, I am thus protected by these 5 precepts...
Then, one keeps and protects these sacred vows better than one's
eyes & children!, since they protect you & all other beings much better
than any army! They are the highest offer one can give in & to this world!
This is the very start on the path towards Nibbāna -the Deathless Element-
This is the Noble Way to Peace, to Freedom, to Bliss, initiated by Morality,
developed further by Dhamma-Study and fulfilled by training of Meditation...
eyes & children!, since they protect you & all other beings much better
than any army! They are the highest offer one can give in & to this world!
This is the very start on the path towards Nibbāna -the Deathless Element-
This is the Noble Way to Peace, to Freedom, to Bliss, initiated by Morality,
developed further by Dhamma-Study and fulfilled by training of Meditation...
Today indeed is Pooya or uposatha or observance day, where any lay Buddhist
normally keeps the Eight Precepts from sunrise until the next dawn...
If any wish an official recognition by the Bhikkhu-Sangha, they may simply
forward the lines starting with "I..." signed with name, date, town & country
to me or join here. A public list of this new Saddhamma-Sangha is here!
The New Noble Community of Disciples: The Saddhamma
Can quite advantageously be Joined Here:
May your journey hereby be eased, light, swift and sweet. Never give up !!!
Today is Esala Poya Day!
Have a nice & noble day!Friendship is the Greatest!
Bhikkhu Samāhita _/\_ ]
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