The Blessed Gotama Buddha once explained:
Bhikkhus and friends, see this little bit of dust, I have taken up upon the nail of my
little-finger? What do you think is most: This tiny bit of dust or this great Planet Earth?
The Bhikkhus then responded: Venerable Sir, this great Planet Earth is much, much more,
incomparably more. This speck of dust is trifling, microscopic, & negligible in comparison.
The Blessed Gotama Buddha then pointed out:
Similarly & exactly so too, Bhikkhus, those who are reborn among human beings are few
and quite rare, beings reborn elsewhere, lower, as non-humans are much more numerous
and common. Why is it so? Because, Bhikkhus, they have not seen the 4 Noble Truths!
What four?
1: This is Suffering;
2: Craving is the Cause of Suffering;
3: No Craving is the End of Suffering;
4: The Noble 8-fold Way Ends all Suffering.
Therefore, Bhikkhus and friends, exertion should be made right Now to understand:
All This is Suffering; This Greedy Craving is the sole Cause of all Suffering; No Craving is
the End of Suffering; The Noble 8-fold Way Ends all Suffering. Therefore should effort
to fathom these 4 Noble Truths be made right NOW!
Animals are much more common than humans (trillions of billions of insects and fish),
since this rebirth at this level is much more common! Similarly with ghosts, demons,
and hell beings. Downfall to these states are common, because evil and immoral actions
such as Killing, Stealing, Lying, Sexually Abusing, Drinking and Drugging are common!
Ethics is thus the core factor of creation and conditioning of any future being...
Video illustrating life among humans, in heaven and in hell:
For details on this Round of Rebirths: Samsara see:
Source (edited extract):
The Grouped Sayings of the Buddha. Samyutta Nikāya. [V:465-6]
section 56: Saccasamyutta. Thread 61: The Downfall ...
Rare is Human Rebirth!
Have a nice & noble day!
Friendship is the Greatest! Bhikkhu Samāhita _/\_ ]
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