The golden Buddhist's life standards make harmony for oneself and others.
This layman's code of discipline = (gihi-vinaya) organize social relationships
so that they produce a society of happy beings being in sweet harmony...
Law 2: Choose only True Friends & Prudent Money Planning:
A. Choosing only good people as true friends will make life constructive!
How to recognize the 4 kinds of false imitating friends (mitta-patirūpaka)?
I. The habitual cheater who only takes from friends, has four features:
1. He thinks only of getting and rarely of giving
2. He gives only little when in the hope of getting much.
3. Only when he is pressed in danger does he help his friend.
4. He imitates friendliness only to promote his own advantage.
II. The smooth talker has four features:
1. He talks only of what is already done & now gone.
2. He talks only of what has not yet come.
3. He offers only help that has no true effect.
4. When his friend needs a hand, he then makes many excuses.
A. Choosing only good people as true friends will make life constructive!
How to recognize the 4 kinds of false imitating friends (mitta-patirūpaka)?
I. The habitual cheater who only takes from friends, has four features:
1. He thinks only of getting and rarely of giving
2. He gives only little when in the hope of getting much.
3. Only when he is pressed in danger does he help his friend.
4. He imitates friendliness only to promote his own advantage.
II. The smooth talker has four features:
1. He talks only of what is already done & now gone.
2. He talks only of what has not yet come.
3. He offers only help that has no true effect.
4. When his friend needs a hand, he then makes many excuses.
III. The empty flatterer has four features:
1. He agrees even, when his friend is doing some wrong.
2. He also agrees, when his friend is doing right.
3. He sings only his beguiling praises, when the friend is present.
4. He runs him down behind his back, when the friend is absent.
IV. The leader to ruin has four features:
1. He is a companion only when drinking.
2. He is a companion only when partying.
3. He is a companion only in frequenting shows and amusements.
4. He is a companion only in gambling, gaming and betting.
How to recognize the 4 kinds of true friends with a genuine goodness (suhada-mitta)?
I. The helping friend has four features:
1. When his friend is off guard, then he guards & protects him.
2. When his friend is off guard, he guards & protects his property.
3. In times of danger, he is always a refuge of help & ready assistance.
4. In times of need, then he gives much more than asked for.
II. The friend through thick and thin has four features:
1. He confess his own secrets to his friend.
2. He keeps his friend's secrets safe and sound.
3. He does not desert or betray his friend in times of danger.
4. He will give even his own life for his friend's sake.
III The good counsellor has four features:
1. He restrains his friend from doing evil or harm.
2. He encourages him to do good & accumulate merit.
3. He explain to his friend, what he has not heard before.
4. He points out the way to prosperity, progress and happiness.
IV. The loving friend has four features:
1. When his friend is unhappy, he sympathizes in pity.
2. When his friend is happy, he is also happy for him.
3. When others criticize his friend, he comes to his defence.
4. When others praise his friend, he joins in their praise.
Such are the 4 false and the 4 true friends. Please take note of that!
B. Allocating one's wealth rightly by intelligent earning, spending & saving:
1. One portion is to be used for supporting oneself, family, dependents, and for charity.
2. Two portions to be used for investment in one's business or owned structures.
3. Another portion to be put aside as savings for future needs.
1. He agrees even, when his friend is doing some wrong.
2. He also agrees, when his friend is doing right.
3. He sings only his beguiling praises, when the friend is present.
4. He runs him down behind his back, when the friend is absent.
IV. The leader to ruin has four features:
1. He is a companion only when drinking.
2. He is a companion only when partying.
3. He is a companion only in frequenting shows and amusements.
4. He is a companion only in gambling, gaming and betting.
How to recognize the 4 kinds of true friends with a genuine goodness (suhada-mitta)?
I. The helping friend has four features:
1. When his friend is off guard, then he guards & protects him.
2. When his friend is off guard, he guards & protects his property.
3. In times of danger, he is always a refuge of help & ready assistance.
4. In times of need, then he gives much more than asked for.
II. The friend through thick and thin has four features:
1. He confess his own secrets to his friend.
2. He keeps his friend's secrets safe and sound.
3. He does not desert or betray his friend in times of danger.
4. He will give even his own life for his friend's sake.
III The good counsellor has four features:
1. He restrains his friend from doing evil or harm.
2. He encourages him to do good & accumulate merit.
3. He explain to his friend, what he has not heard before.
4. He points out the way to prosperity, progress and happiness.
IV. The loving friend has four features:
1. When his friend is unhappy, he sympathizes in pity.
2. When his friend is happy, he is also happy for him.
3. When others criticize his friend, he comes to his defence.
4. When others praise his friend, he joins in their praise.
Such are the 4 false and the 4 true friends. Please take note of that!
B. Allocating one's wealth rightly by intelligent earning, spending & saving:
1. One portion is to be used for supporting oneself, family, dependents, and for charity.
2. Two portions to be used for investment in one's business or owned structures.
3. Another portion to be put aside as savings for future needs.
Source:A constitution for Living. Buddhist Principles for a Fruitful and Harmonious Life.
Ven. P.A. Payutto. Thailand. Buddhist Publication Society 2007: BP 620S
The Golden Buddhist Life Standards are the Primary Laws!Ven. P.A. Payutto. Thailand. Buddhist Publication Society 2007: BP 620S
Have a nice & noble day!
Friendship is the Greatest! Bhikkhu Samāhita _/\_ ]
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