
Saturday, December 17, 2011

Any Intention is creating moments of Future!
Any moment of intentional mental activity creates and conditions the future!
Any moment of
intentional verbal activity creates and conditions the future!
Any moment of
intentional bodily activity creates and conditions the future!
If the intention behind this thinking, speaking or doing is mixed with either
greed, hate, or ignorance or diluted derivatives thereof, this future will
inevitably be mixed with resultant states of mental and physical
If the intention behind this thinking, speaking & doing is mixed with either
non-greed, non-hate, or non-ignorance or dilutions thereof, this future
will inevitably be mixed with resultant states of mental and physical
If the intention behind this thinking, speaking & doing is mixed neither with
greed nor with non-greed, neither with hate nor with non-hate,& neither
with ignorance nor with non-ignorance
, this future will inevitably be mixed
with resultant states of
neither pain nor pleasure = neutral indifference
Not intending any stills formation of becoming and is not creating any future!
Therefore: Be Aware!
Watch the intention! Is it mixed with exactly what?
Intention is literally seeding and producing moments of your future!
No other
Creator is found! Silencing intention creates Peace!


About the cause and effect of intentional states:

Have a nice & noble day!

Friendship is the Greatest!
Bhikkhu Samāhita _/\_ ]

Intention Produces the Future!

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