
Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Intentions are Causal!

Phenomena that are Causes, Effects, or Neither:

Which are the mental states, that are causes?

Good and bad states, belonging to the worlds of sense desire, to the planes of
material form, to the formless realms, and to the supra-mundane states:
That is the cluster of feelings, perceptions, mental constructions and the
cluster of the manifold and variable kinds of consciousness...
These are the phenomena, which cause results!
Comment: Present mental states conditions and influences future events!

Which are the mental states, that are effects?
The results of good and bad mental states, which make effects in the worlds
sense desire, in the planes of fine material form, in the formless realms,
and in the supra-mundane states: That is the cluster of feelings, perceptions,
mental constructions & the cluster of the various types of consciousness...
These are the phenomena, which are results!
Comment: Mental states are often seeded by and results of past events!

Which are the states, that neither are results nor cause results ?
Those mental states governing action, which are neither good, nor bad!,
the results of other prior action, and moreover all form, and finally
the unconditioned element of Nibbāna... These are the three phenomena,
neither are results themselves, nor cause any other future effects!
Comment: Material form, Nibbāna & inoperative neutral (Kiriya) actions
of the Arahats causes no future effects to arise anywhere at any time...

About the cause and effect of intentional states:

Source: The 1st canonical Abhidhamma Book: Dhammasanghani: pp 991-993
Classification of States. The Enumeration of Ultimate Realities.
Tr. by U Kyaw Khine. 1999. Sri Satguru Publications. Delhi.

Have a nice & noble day!

Friendship is the Greatest!
Bhikkhu Samāhita _/\_ ]

Intentions are Causal!

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