
Thursday, December 1, 2011

Not Agitated = Cool Calm!

Non-Agitation through detached Release:

The Blessed Buddha once said:
How, friends, is there non-agitation through detached release?
Regarding this, friends, the educated normal person, who is a friend of a Noble
and who is clever and well trained in his Dhamma, or who is a friend of a
Great Man and is clever and well trained in his Dhamma, avoids regarding form
as self, he avoids regarding self as having form, he avoids regarding form as
inside any self, or any self as inside any form! Then inevitably his body form
and decays. When this change and decay of his material form occurs,
mind does not become occupied or obsessed with this change of just a form.
Therefore does no agitated mental state, arised from worry over this changed
physical body form, remain obsessing his mind ...
Because his mind is not obsessed, then he is neither frightened, nor distressed,
nor anxious, and by this detached non-clinging his inner agitation is all stilled!
He does not regard feeling as self ... perception as self ... mental constructions
self ... consciousness as self, nor the self as possessing consciousness, nor as
consciousness as being inside any self, nor any the self as being 'inside' any
consciousness ... When his consciousness momentarily changes and alters, then
his mind does not become engaged with this fast change of consciousness.
Therefore does no agitated mental state, born of concern over this changed
, remain obsessing his mind! Because his mind is neither obsessed,
upset, nor troubled, nor uneasy with this or any other change whatsoever,
then this aloof and detached non-clinging still, calm and evaporate all his prior
agitations! It is exactly in this way, friends, that there is non-agitation caused
by non-clinging.

If the 5 clusters of Clinging are no EGO, how can there ever be lost anything
from such vacuum void! ;-) hihi:

More about this freeing selfless anti-ego impersonality = No-self = Anattā:

You can come as you like, but you pay as you go...!

The Grouped Sayings by the Buddha. Samyutta Nikāya XXII (7); [III 16-9] An Ocean of Dhamma!
On The 5 clusters of Clinging:

Have a nice & noble day!

Friendship is the Greatest!
Bhikkhu Samāhita _/\_ ]

Not Agitated = Cool Calm!

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