
Thursday, December 1, 2011

Radical Release!

Detaching Release from all Internal & External:

The Blessed Buddha once said:

Bhikkhus, desire and lust for any form, for any feeling, for any perception,
any construction & for any consciousness is a corruption of the mind!
Desire and lust for the earth element: All that is Solid...
Desire and lust for the water element: All that is Fluid...
Desire and lust for the fire element: All that is Hot...
Desire and lust for the air element: All that is Moving...
Desire and lust for the space element: All that is 3-Dimensional and
Desire and lust for the consciousness element: All sense awareness itself,
is a corruption of the mind! When a Bhikkhu has overcome and left all
behind these mental corruptions, his mind seeks for inward withdrawal…
A mind prepared and enhanced by such renunciation becomes wieldy, fit,
focused and open for those subtle mental states, that are to be realized
only by direct experience and assured knowledge...

On the 5 clusters of clinging and the 4 elements:

The Grouped Sayings by the Buddha. Samyutta Nikāya SN 27:9-10 III 234

Have a nice & noble day!

Friendship is the Greatest!
Bhikkhu Samāhita _/\_ ]

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