
Monday, July 16, 2012

Sincere Motivation is Dedication and Devotion!

Any well motivated Buddhist inclined for non-greed sees the danger in all desire...
Any well motivated Buddhist inclined for non-hate recognizes the error in all anger.
Any well motivated Buddhist inclined for understanding knows the block of ignorance.
Any well motivated Buddhist inclined for renunciation feels the miseries of lay life.
Any well motivated Buddhist inclined for seclusion perceives the stress of society.
Any well motivated Buddhist inclined for release comprehends the panic in clinging.
Any well motivated Buddhist inclined for awakening is dedicated to ending of rebirth!
This degree of whole-hearted sincerity, dedication and resolute determination does
indeed determine the remaining time in Samsara  before finally reaching Nibbāna...   


More on this crucial issue of Motivation:

Sincere Motivation!
Have a nice & noble day!
Friendship is the Greatest!
Bhikkhu Samāhita _/\_ ]

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